fauxbird's pyo thread,new uni page 2

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    ok so i did a little painting this week 🙂 still need more pyo’s but they dont have much 😥 the only keeper i had i did simple as i wanted to get a feel for them,wow i thought the small dragon’s were work 😮 i also did this wolf im calling black flame sorry in advanced if i used a name that’s already been used it’s hard to keep track,i thought of it after i used flat black,then red/gold and blue interference over the black that’s just the name that popped into my head :shrug:




      Oooo, both are very nice. 😉


        Both are very pretty. I like the colors you used on the Keeper 😉 .


        thanks yes for some reason i like black,metallic peridot,topaz and gold together,the stone it’s holding is a hand carved tibet heavens eye agate i thought it went well with a keeper 🙂


          Ooh! I like the marking on the wolf. He’s striking.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          thanks dragonmedly i worked slow to give him that look,i have plans for another in a slightly different color combo,the picture makes him look oddly purple though not the dull red he really is,i will have to see if a pic in the sunlight not just natural light will bring out the red better,it’s just been raining here so much as of late can’t get any good pic’s 🙄


          Beautiful work, they are both very striking!


          Very niiiiice! 8)


          hey the march of the windstone griffins has arrived 😆


            They are both very nice! 🙂


            I like the wolf. Nice work on both of them! 🙂


              Those are both very nice–the talent on here is amazing! 🙂


                ooooh, wow… beautiful keeper! 🙂

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