Fantasy novel venture

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    You’re reading too? How cool!


      Okay, I’m finally caught up!!! When’s the next installment??? 😀


      Before I go on vacation next week, I promise. I ended up spending most of this week painting. Again. But I’ll update on Sunday, I hope.


        I’ll look forward to it 😀


        I’m babysitting and I just wrote about two pages worth to myself under my e-mail address. But my session lasted too long and automatically logged me out and now they’re completely gone. I am so ticked off. 👿


          That stinks!!! 👿


          I just finished reading what’s been posted so far, and I am definitely intrigued! I thoroughly enjoyed your descriptives of the different types of dragon (one of the biggest hang-ups I seem to have is developing distinct species of dragon; you do it with absolute aplomb) and would love to see some of your sketches. The story line is progressing well. I caught myself several times thinking, “She’s talking about California!” when you discussed the Mindhra philosophy and political shell-game. (It was kind of frightening, actually. We really do have people like that running this government. And dimwits like the “concerned citizen” shopowner who report the version that makes the most scandal and excitement, rather than taking a stand of common decency. Bah! 👿 They’ll do anything to get on a talk show!)
          I think you’re taking this story down a good path and will be interested in reading more. There’s a verve to the telling that says you’re enjoying yourself: good! 😀 The structure of the culture feels solid, even if–as you said–there are details that you’d like to add. Some of the elements that you’ve included, such as the pending exit of the Great Horned Dragon, go beyond the average fantasy plotline.
          If you would like to read an interesting take on dragons with riders, you might consider the “His Majesty’s Dragon” trilogy by Naomi Novik. I would certainly not say that you need to look to her work for any help–you’re doing great on your own! But it did make for an enjoyable read.
          Of course, I have a terrible mockingbird streak when writing and tend to fall into the patterns of whatever author I’m reading at the time. This is of course very bad, and makes it risky for me to read anything related to what I’m writing about. Thank goodness for history, biology, medicine, and astrophysics books! They’re a good source of background detail and tidbits, and dry factual material drives the mockingbird right off. 😛


          Hey, thanks a ton for the review, Barrdwing! I actually got around to writing more last night – after spending most of the afternoon on the pen and ink drawings. As soon as I get my scanner to work, I’ll be uploading the images to deviantArt where you all can check them out.
          I’m glad you like the story – and you saw right through my political complaint. 😀 Way to go and good for you. 😉


          Finally, finally, after months and months of extremely slow progress, I’m able to post up the Sixteenth Installment of this story. I didn’t write near as much during vacation as I’d planned, and since starting my new office job, I’ve had little time…
          Enjoy anyway. Any critique is appreciated. 😀


            If you’re interested in sharing your work with hardcore critiquers, I suggest you try the forums on You can also find tons of information on writing in general.

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Yay!!! More story to read!!! Now if I can only find the time to read it!!! 😆


              dragonmedley wrote:

              If you’re interested in sharing your work with hardcore critiquers, I suggest you try the forums on You can also find tons of information on writing in general.

              Thanks, Medley! I’ll check it out.

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