Fantasy novel venture

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    Thanks so much for taking the time, all of you. I know, Chessie, riding dragons is about as run-of-the-mill as you can get for humans and dragons. But the only other options would have been dragons ruling people, or a story just about dragons, no humans involved or only on the side, and neither of those quite fit what I have in mind. I tried to dampen the cliché by making the dragon-riding something perfectly normal. It’s not tied up with any special privilege – except for being born a noble or at least rich so the rider can take care of his steed – and the rider doesn’t get any special powers from his dragon. Lamar can’t see through Vin’s eyes or anything silly like that. And you can imagine what Vin says to the notion that a dragon dies when its rider dies. (Still coming. Quite a bit later.)


      Hey, I’m still waiting for more to read! 😉


      Oh! Gah, I’ve been writing, but I forgot to update! Will do so immediately. Blame my negligence on the tests. I have not already given up on the story.

      ADDITION: Hereyou go!


      Wow, eight installments!! Boy am I behind… *LOL* Weekend reading material! 😉


      😆 Thank you for still taking an interest! I’m at 68 pages or so now. I made a lot of progress while I was waiting for my PYOs, but noe that they’re here and I’ve got comissions and the swap, I don’t know how much progress I’ll make for the next few weeks. At any rate, the idea didn’t die!


      Good, you stay busy… means I can hope to catch up! 😆

      At least you’re getting it down though, that’s the important part. Better than having an idea for years and rarely putting pen to paper before it disappears… *innocent whistling*


      😆 It’s actually gone even farther than just writing. I’ve done pen and ink drawing of half a dozen of the dragon characters and have sketches for ore. I hope to scan them to show the forum some time. Also, once I get a hang of the GIMP I can color them there.
      Plus, my little brother Stef, a musical genius, is writing a score for an eventual movie. It’s beautiful music, with a theme as memorable as Lord of the Rings’. I wish I knew how to share it with you.


      Ooooh, sketches and music would be AWESOME!! I always fantasize about my works becoming animated or live+CGI films… I would love to see/hear any of that if you can swing it sometime!


      I promise I’ll get around to sharing the drawings, though I’d like to set them up on their own website – Angelfire or something – and I have no clue how to do it. As for the music. Stef uses MusicPrint and so far I haven’t found a way to save it to a useable format. Besides, I’d need to find a way to share it without compromising the copyright… But I’ll try!


        Whoops!!!! I’m way behind too!!!! 😳


        Glad to know you’re still interested too! 😀


          I was trying to catch up too. Igot a lot read yesterday but I still have a ways to go 😀


          The forum was so quiet last night that I actually wrote several more pages during babysitting. The parents didn’t come home until one, so it looks like I’ll be adding a ninth installment the beginning of next week.


            Akkkk!!!!! I’d better set aside some reading time this weekend and catch up!!!! 😕


              ROFLMAO Between trying to stay caught up on the forum and your story GB I’m swamped! LoL

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