Fantasy Books for Young Readers

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    I found plenty of younge adult fantasy books to read when when I was on that level of reading. That was a couple of years before Harry Potter became really big. I found plenty of stuff to read. Brain Jaques, Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, plus Narnia and a couple others that were mentioned. I’m not sure all those where before Harry Potter.
    Bunnicula was fun…I did a book report on that book, or maybe one of the squels. Ah, good times.

    Kind of off topic, but I find that young adult books are sometimes more (in my opinion) creative and imaginitive. As if authors with younger readers arn’t so afraid to do stuff thats really weird. Is this just me(I honestly don’t know)?


      Yeah, that’s why I stopped reading Piers Anthony. His books were getting steadily more and more sex-obsessed, and if I wanted that, I could just talk to any of the horny fanboys that IM me.


      Saydee72 wrote:

      …I found plenty of stuff to read. Brain Jaques, Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, plus Narnia and a couple others that were mentioned….

      Kind of off topic, but I find that young adult books are sometimes more (in my opinion) creative and imaginitive. As if authors with younger readers arn’t so afraid to do stuff thats really weird. Is this just me(I honestly don’t know)?
      I think it depends on the author more than the category — I’ve seen some young adult books that are good and some that are not so good (that goes for adult books too). Brian Jacques Redwall series and C. S. Lewis’ Narnia series are among my favorites though.


      There is also the Guardians of Ga’Hool series that is young adult It is about Owls, and their lives. In this world the humans are all gone, and have been for many years, I read them and quiet enjoyed them.


      ruffian wrote:

      There is also the Guardians of Ga’Hool series that is young adult It is about Owls, and their lives. In this world the humans are all gone, and have been for many years, I read them and quiet enjoyed them.

      I started that series, and LOVED the first one. But I didn’t like the ones after that so much, and I didn’t get past the 4th one. There are like 8 volumes now or something!


      um 13 I think, but she started to do a prequel, they arent as good, but I think 12 is the original series.


      I just recently finished reading Fire Within, Icefire and Fire Star. The first two I borrowed from my grand newphew. The third I went out to buy so I could finish the series, then I sent the book to him so he could finish it. Now I learn there’s a 4th one coming out this year in the UK (in march 2008 in the US).

      How many times have you wished your dragons would come to life? It would be just the coolest thing to have little dragons around the house to keep you company. 😀


        I think that HP and the rise of the huge books stores like barnes and noble and chapters, etc have alot to do with it. There is WAY more selection availible in a single store.

        When I was a kid, all there were was these little hole in the wall bookstores that maybe had on bookshelf full of teen or Young Adult books, the same for other categories. Some times I had trouble finding the new releases at these places 😀


        When I was younger, I liked those books that you got to choose how the adventure went and ended. Can’t remember the name, but they were sure fun.


        Actually, the series was called exactly that. “Choose your own adventure.” There was also another series based on D&D that had the same concept. That series is actually how I started reading fantasy.

        I also remember a series about unicorns that started with a book called “The Firebringer.” I can’t remember the author though.


        The Firebringer Trilogy is by Meredith Ann Pierce. I liked the middle book quite a bit.


        Choose your own adventure and Which way books! There were also Middle Earth ones.
        Just this week in the library we found a Disney choose your own adventure book (Alice) and my 3 yr old loves it. She actually picks different options every time.


        Yeah, those are the ones I was thinking about. Hmm, maybe I will have to get some for my nephew and neices.


        I’ve read the Fire Within books too. If only Windstones could do that! I’d have my own miniature dragon colony!


          The first books I got into reading as a kid were Ronald Dahl’s. I didn’t really like reading before I read one of his books, though i can’t remember which one i read first. Then I got into a series called the plant that ate dirty socks. I started reading one at a bookstore and read nearly half of it. Then its was all sorts of stuff until I got into the star wars novels. When I was in highschool I would finish the assigned reading as soon as possible and then read my own books. The really annoyed one of my teachers that wanted us all to read along at the same pace. So she started assigning me extra reading books if I finished the assigned book. This backfired however on the first try when she assigned me the lion the witch and the wardrobe which I read the day she assigned it to me and returned the next day, telling her I really enjoyed it.

          I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
          Engaged to a Weasel

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