FanExpo :D

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      sunhawk wrote:

      dragonmedley wrote:

      Ack, I won’t be able to make it… I’m getting my tattoo done on Saturday.

      There’s still Friday and Sunday πŸ˜‰

      Nope, Friday was real busy on my end, and Sunday… let’s just say I wasn’t ready to get out of the house quite yet! Today’s not bad.

      I hope you had lots of fun!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I’m glad you had fun! Good luck with your new job!


        sunhawk wrote:

        Jasmine it was really great to meet you!! πŸ˜€ I am sooo sorry I didn’t have much of a voice, I was really frustrated to lose it just BEFORE the con and it’s slowly coming back but grrrr LOL

        I am so incredibly beat!! And I start my new job nice and early tomorrow so I am off to bed but I didn’t want to forget to do a shout out before I did! πŸ˜€

        It was really cool meeting you and El too!! I just wish I’d remembered to get a pic of us both. D’oh!! My bf says I’m not allowed to start any new collections until we get a bigger house so I didn’t want to tempt myself by going back to see El’s stuff. Which is soooooo much cooler in person (hint: everybody should go buy some!!). And then by the time I remembered I wanted a pic, we were out and I didn’t get my hand stamped so I couldn’t get back in. 😳


        purpledragonclaw wrote:

        I’m glad you had fun! Good luck with your new job!

        Cheers for that! πŸ˜€


        Jasmine wrote:

        sunhawk wrote:

        Jasmine it was really great to meet you!! πŸ˜€ I am sooo sorry I didn’t have much of a voice, I was really frustrated to lose it just BEFORE the con and it’s slowly coming back but grrrr LOL

        I am so incredibly beat!! And I start my new job nice and early tomorrow so I am off to bed but I didn’t want to forget to do a shout out before I did! πŸ˜€

        It was really cool meeting you and El too!! I just wish I’d remembered to get a pic of us both. D’oh!! My bf says I’m not allowed to start any new collections until we get a bigger house so I didn’t want to tempt myself by going back to see El’s stuff. Which is soooooo much cooler in person (hint: everybody should go buy some!!). And then by the time I remembered I wanted a pic, we were out and I didn’t get my hand stamped so I couldn’t get back in. 😳

        I don’t really get the new system of ripping tickets because in past years it was a badge just like the weekenders get, except different image on it! I know a number of people had problems getting in and out, thinking they couldn’t leave the dealer’s room @_@

        Awww we’ll have to meet another time to get a pic! πŸ˜€ El and I do FanExpo and I know she does other cons in the year ^_^


          πŸ˜₯ I missed it…did anyone get any pics they can post… πŸ™‚



            Ah, I wish I lived closer, it sounds like the convention is a lot of fun. It would have been nice to see El and your pieces in person. Anyways, I hope your new job is going well, sunhawk πŸ™‚


            mmloda wrote:

            πŸ˜₯ I missed it…did anyone get any pics they can post… πŸ™‚

            I think I only have a few pics of my table and El’s table, I dunno how interesting that would be to see LOL I usually take at least one picture of my layout for my records so I can evaluate what worked and what didn’t ^_^ My being under the weather made me forget to take out the camera for any interesting cosplay :X


            Lokie wrote:

            Ah, I wish I lived closer, it sounds like the convention is a lot of fun. It would have been nice to see El and your pieces in person. Anyways, I hope your new job is going well, sunhawk πŸ™‚

            How far away are you? πŸ˜€ I met someone who travels from Nova Scotia each year for the con!

            Awww I’d love to meet you too! πŸ˜€

            It’s going pretty good, mostly the hours are killing me since I leave the house around 7am and get back around 6pm. It’s been really interesting so far! It’s been a while since I’ve been in an office multimedia gig, which is what the job is about ^_^ Mostly I’ve been doing fairly tedious stuff like image prep for the catalogues I’ll be doing during this contract gig πŸ™‚


              Sounds awesome. If it wasn’t so far away, I would have gone just to see the creators of Looking For Group. They were supposed to be there. *sigh* Seeing El’s stuff in person would have been neat to. I’ll get something from her eventually. πŸ™‚


                sunhawk wrote:

                Lokie wrote:

                Ah, I wish I lived closer, it sounds like the convention is a lot of fun. It would have been nice to see El and your pieces in person. Anyways, I hope your new job is going well, sunhawk πŸ™‚

                How far away are you? πŸ˜€ I met someone who travels from Nova Scotia each year for the con!

                Ah, I missed this. I’m about 10 hours away (I live near Boston), but more like 12 since I drive the speed limit and usually stop to take a power nap πŸ˜† (Err… or maybe longer… I haven’t been up that way in at least a year..). Not impossible, but with the price of gas currently, road trips that far aren’t as fun anymore πŸ™

                sunhawk wrote:

                It’s going pretty good, mostly the hours are killing me since I leave the house around 7am and get back around 6pm. It’s been really interesting so far! It’s been a while since I’ve been in an office multimedia gig, which is what the job is about ^_^ Mostly I’ve been doing fairly tedious stuff like image prep for the catalogues I’ll be doing during this contract gig πŸ™‚

                I’m glad to hear it’s going good and has been interesting, despite the long hours. Even if it’s just tedious work now, you have to start somewhere, right? πŸ™‚

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