FanExpo :D

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    Anyone around Toronto/GTA or near enough to drive/bus/whatever going to the FanExpo convention this upcoming weekend? 😀 I am gonna be there in the Artist’s Alley! WHEEEE! It’s usually a superbusy convention, what with five different areas of interest at this con: anime, sci-fi/fantasy,horror,gaming,comics!

    I’m hoping to get over this slight cold I seem to have picked up, which sucks because I just got over a cold last week!! I’m supposed to get sick FROM the con, not BEFORE! LOL



      Very cool. I’m aiming to go on Saturday…hope I see you.


        Where is it? Maybe we can meet there!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Metro Convention Centre. I’m only buying the day pass for Saturday, so…where is your table Sunhawk??


          Jasmine wrote:

          Very cool. I’m aiming to go on Saturday…hope I see you.

          Sweeeeet! I’ll probably have an ears and tail on and most of the sort of stuff I’ve posted on the Art forum will be there, all rainbowy and ridiculous 😉


          Jasmine wrote:

          Metro Convention Centre. I’m only buying the day pass for Saturday, so…where is your table Sunhawk??

          Yep, not far from Union Station on Front St is where the con will be ^_^

          I will be listed in the program as “Sunhawk” in the AA, but I will be trying to get next to El from “Creatures from El” so if you don’t see me where I’m officially listed, it’s because I’ve been successful in getting beside her, like I want to 🙂 It’s frustrating how I never seem able to get beside her ahead of time, despite requesting it every time LOL


            Have a GREAT time! 😀


            emerald212 wrote:

            Have a GREAT time! 😀

            Thanks luv! ^_^


            Have fun! Please post pics if you can! I’d love to see you in costume! 😉


            purpledragonclaw wrote:

            Have fun! Please post pics if you can! I’d love to see you in costume! 😉

            Thanks! LOL I don’t normally do much cosplay but I’ll probably have ears and tail on for kicks ^_^ I’ll try to find my camera so I can take pics! I am not sure where it went :X


            I wish I wasn’t working. I’d love to go.


              Ack, I won’t be able to make it… I’m getting my tattoo done on Saturday.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              dragonmedley wrote:

              Ack, I won’t be able to make it… I’m getting my tattoo done on Saturday.

              There’s still Friday and Sunday 😉


              Jasmine it was really great to meet you!! 😀 I am sooo sorry I didn’t have much of a voice, I was really frustrated to lose it just BEFORE the con and it’s slowly coming back but grrrr LOL

              I am so incredibly beat!! And I start my new job nice and early tomorrow so I am off to bed but I didn’t want to forget to do a shout out before I did! 😀

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