
Fall 2010 Gift Swap Complete!

Home Forums Miscellany Community Fall 2010 Gift Swap Complete!

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  • #819818
    Crimson Vision

      Dragon87 wrote:

      I still haven’t found a suitable box for mine……. 😳 And no time! AUGH! I will for sure try to get it out this week, sometime…. since after that it’s late, huh?

      Actually no it wouldn’t be late; the last day to put packages in the mail is Wednesday, September 1st which is next week! 🙂


        My recipient should have received their package by now. Tracking says delivered on the 20th. I hope it arrived safely!


          machineguts wrote:

          My recipient should have received their package by now. Tracking says delivered on the 20th. I hope it arrived safely!

          Then the person could be out of town. I know–I get nervous when I know something is delievered yet I hear nothing.


            Nothing at my door yet


            What a lovely thoughtful gift, Machineguts!! I so appreciate that my love of reggae was recognized, it so often isn’t, especially by my family! Thank you so much!! I can tell how much thought and effort you put into the presents!
            Because I still can’t post pictures, I will have to describe what I got. There is a bag of pasta shapes in red, green and yellow, the reggae colors. An iron-on reggae decal in the colors with “one heart, one love, one world” on it. A tiny green-brown rattan(?) purse. A necklace with green stones in it. A beautiful set of earrings made with long feathers and tiny beads. A charming card with an ant playing the conga drums with reggae colors on it and a great drawing!!! They are great!!
            Thank you soooo much!!!! Margaret aka drgnlvr


              Oh awesome, I’m so glad you received your package and that you’re happy with everything Margaret! 🙂 I had a lot of fun shopping for you!


                That sounds like a great gift! I esp like the pasta!!! 😀


                  drgnlvr wrote:

                  What a lovely thoughtful gift, Machineguts!! I so appreciate that my love of reggae was recognized, it so often isn’t, especially by my family! Thank you so much!! I can tell how much thought and effort you put into the presents!
                  Because I still can’t post pictures, I will have to describe what I got. There is a bag of pasta shapes in red, green and yellow, the reggae colors. An iron-on reggae decal in the colors with “one heart, one love, one world” on it. A tiny green-brown rattan(?) purse. A necklace with green stones in it. A beautiful set of earrings made with long feathers and tiny beads. A charming card with an ant playing the conga drums with reggae colors on it and a great drawing!!! They are great!!
                  Thank you soooo much!!!! Margaret aka drgnlvr

                  Heehee! “Rasta Pasta!” Sounds cool.


                    How ironic-I had machineguts and drgnlvr in the last two swaps, and now one has the other? Very neat!! And drgnlvr-I am sorry I never did any reggae things for you-I just didn’t really know what it was all about, so I decided to do something else-for fear that I would get it wrong. But I am so glad that machineguts did that!!


                    Thank you for thinking about it, eaglefeather831! Reggae is a music style that was developed mostly in Jamaica and spread through the rest of the world primarily in the 60’s. Bob Marley is the most well-known performer and the music is particularly prominent in the South and West African countries as well as in the Caribbean Island countries. It has complicated rhythms and a predominately positive message, both of which appeal to me. There are reggae festivals in almost every country in the world now and they are very well attended. I went to one of the biggest ones in the world about 3 years ago here in northern California and it was sold out at 10,000 people. Imagine all those people swaying with the music and singing together “One heart, One love, let’s get together and we will feel alright” one of Bob Marley’s songs and two of his sons on the stage singing with the crowd. An amazing experience! The reggae colors are red, yellow, and green, popular colors of the flags in several African countries. There is an acceptance of pot as part of the culture even though it is illegal in Jamaica too, although I don’t agree with it and don’t participate in it, in fact, that’s why I always attend outdoor festivals so I can get away from it when I start getting headaches. The police don’t bother the festivals unless someone is selling, not just using. But I love the music and the energy and the colors so much, I am willing to go to the festivals anyway. Also, unlike many festivals, there are very very few fights or drunken people and I can leave my chairs and blankets on the lawn and come back several hours later and they are undisturbed. They are truly good places to be and I can ignore the pot, even when a few people offer to “share”! (Bob Marley died in 1981 at age 36 of cancer, leaving a huge legacy, his being honored by the Jamaican nation for his cultural contribution, and 12 children, 4 of whom are performers and others of them working behind the scenes involved in charities in Jamaica.) There is a reggae music channel on Comcast if you want to hear some of the reggae songs. As with any music genre, not all of the songs are the greatest, but many of them really are. Some of my favorite artists are Third World, Maxi Priest, UB40, Morgan Heritage, O’Yaba, and others.
                    Anyway, I just thought I would share some information I have learned about reggae and why I am an enthusiast!


                      Very cool, Margaret! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂


                      Daydreamer! I got the package today (and I’m sick and a bit depressed about Colin moving, so it was a real pick-me-up!)!!

                      I don’t know where my camera went (again, packing) so I can’t provide any photos, but she got me this adorable kitty fairy statue on bubbles (already repackaged for moving, but I opened it to make sure it was okay, check it out, etc), some tea and some herbal concoction that I can’t wait to try, a couple of scented candles (WHICH I LOVE THE SCENT!!!!!!!), and some bath salts. Everything but the statue stays with me till I go up to Atikameg in November. I think I might want to use them…. 8)

                      Thanks so much Daydreamer!

                      (on a side note, my sending off of package got siderailed by a lack of tape this time, but tape is coming this afternoon! So I should get it off tomorrow or Monday sometime, my apologies to my swapee! I would have sent it about a while ago but it’s been a cruddy month for me, unexpected stuff came up and I suddenly didn’t have time!)


                      yay!! so glad you like it! 😀


                        Yes, that is really neat drgnlvr! It does sound really nice, and if I ever get you again, I will remember this, and try to help feed your enthusiasm!! 🙂

                        I can’ta wait to see pictures soon (hopefully!), Dragon87, but the gift sounds lovely!!

                        As of mine-I have been meaning to ship the last two days, but I have had a few things come up. Package has been ready, and I should ship tomorrow!!! YAY! I wish I could just teleport it there!!


                          Shipped this morning! My swapee will get two packages (because I couldn’t fit them all in one!!) So, someone should expect one on Wednesday, and one on Thursday. I put a note in one telling them to look for the other one, but I didn’t do that to the second one. So-If you get a package on Wednesday from me-expect another one!!!! 🙂 I hope you like it-I am thrilled!

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