Extra Rainbow Curlie

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    Ok, I bought an extra rainbow curlie in case someone on the forum didn’t get one. And then it looked like a bunch of people didn’t get one. So I wasn’t sure what to do. And there was the whole confusion about paypal so I wasn’t sure if my order went through. And things were nuts at work. But they (I got 2) came yesterday. So I’m going to sell the other one (even though it is one of my favorite curlie colors and I have to say I really like the rainbow without the red) because that was what I had intended and I feel guilty having a spare.

    I’m not looking to make money on the curl – I just want to break even. So he is $58 (original price plus 1/2 the S&H plus an extra dollar for paypal fees) plus whatever he is to ship to you.

    But since so many people wanted one I figure I’ll run it as a lottery – if you are interested just respond on this thread and I’ll pull a name out of a hat tomorrow night (so I can send him Sat) unless people want it to run longer – then he won’t get shipped until Wed.

    But I would really like him to go to someone who didn’t get one so if you did snag one please let the other members have a chance! 😀



    That’s so nice of you to do this.

    I missed them and I’d love the chance to get one.


      I’d be interested. Thanks for what you are doing!


        You are a really nice person for doing this.

        I got several extras and they went to people who missed them and who have done the same for me in the past and I am only keeping one and I didn’t charge them extra either.


          If you still have him I am also interested.. 😀 That is if the other forum member didn’t snap him up already.. 😉



            That’s awesome of you! Please put my name in the hat. I never win at these things, but what the heck. It never hurts to try!


              Please enter me too; thankies!

              twindragonsmum 😀



                Cool thing to do. Thanks!

                I would like to be entered please.


                I don’t want to be entered, but I wanted to thank you for doing this, ddvm! It’s really generous of you!


                Can you enter me too??? You’re being really nice about this I like it (I never complained I didn’t get one because I didn’t know they were there till they were gone – my interweb was being weird)!!!

                *crosses fingers*


                Wow, DDVM, that’s very generous. Please put my name in the hat too.


                  Me too thankyou . Could you maybe sell timeshares for him 😀


                    Please enter me too. And thank you!


                    Add me too please, if I am not too late 😀

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