
Extra Pearl Griffin Chick for Sale

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Extra Pearl Griffin Chick for Sale

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  • #492786


        Well, I’ve decided that I am not going to collect any griffins. I’m just sticking with dragons and Poads. Figures I decide this after I buy a couple griffins 🙄

        Anyway, I got an another sitting Pearl griffin chick that I’d like to sell. Since there are a few still left in the store… I will be selling mine for less at $40.00. If anyone is interested, please send me a PM with your mailing address so I can calculate shipping for your area.

        Thanks! 😀


        Nice price, travistie. Too bad I already have the pair.


          Yeah, I know most people already have them. That’s why I lowered the price. Just want to see if anyone out there wants an extra, or needs him to go with his crouching brother 😀


          Bit of trivia: the crouching chick is male, the sitting chick is female. Melody said so. 😀


            Oh okay, thanks for cluing me in! 😆

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