
(experiment trade) raffle time Winner is…….

Home Forums Administration Trade & Swap (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is…….

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  • #768565
    Crimson Vision




      Oh my goodness, so gorgeous! I really hope I have a chance at them :).


        You know, when I started this, it was just an idea and never ever realized what a great idea it was. This will definenatly be an annual thing. I will only do 12 trades next time tho to make things easier on everyone. XD
        We went from 90.00 to 500.00 to 250.00 (draw of the hat) to back up again. Lots of different art showcased and traded. ( Thank you to Melody and John for letting me get away with what I did. 😉 ) And I’m hoping comissions for those who traded or showed their work.
        We only have 2 trades left and I want the end one to be big.
        Now….. I also need Charity ideas from you so we can vote on what the last raffle prize will go to. Jen already said I can do a poll, so I need ideas. WE will choose the charity this last trade will go to. 😉


          So I have a question about the Charity….Does it have to be a charity in the U.S.A?



            mmloda wrote:

            So I have a question about the Charity….Does it have to be a charity in the U.S.A?

            no. All’s fair. I want ideas, then we have the poll. I will put all suggestions up to be voted on! 😉

            Crimson Vision

              The charity I personally donate to all the time (have money come out of my check weekly direct deposited to them, it’s handy!) is the DFW Pug Rescue: http://www.dfwpugs.com/

              I know that is a little ‘specific’ (but would be thrilled if they did get a donation) so I would suggest as well the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: http://www.aspca.org/. I know we are all animal lovers on here!


              A donation to the SPCA would be wonderful! Great idea Crimson Vision :).


                I suggest Heifer International which trains poor people around the world to take care of livestock, and gives them a critter. The recipient has to pass on the animals first female offspring to another family in need.

                But something that goes directly to an animal rescue sounds nice too.

                Or a foodbank.

                Will be offline till Sunday. :bye:


                Would love aspca as well. I have many, many great animal rescues- dog, cat, horse, etc. I could name but will just say aspca that way it helps all animals. I feel that people may be in bad situations but a great deal of the time they could help theirselves and choose not to, but animals have absolutely no choice in the matter of if they will have a kind owner or no owner at all, and so many millions die in shelters every year for lack of homes. Even puppies, kittens, purebreds, it’s not just the ‘undesirable’ breeds and old decrepit animals. I’ve had my 3 cents 😀


                Unless a better suggestion comes along I think the SPCA would be an awesome choice, I used to know some people who volunteered with them localy and they were always super busy rescuing animals and visiting events to try and get people to adopt. Did you know that The Dave Mathews band regularly has a SPCA booth at their events? I don’t know whether they request to have them there, or the group requests to set up at the venue where the band is playing, but they’ve been at quite a few of the shows of his that I’ve seen if it’s a safe venue to bring the animals to.


                  I agree! SPCA all the way! :yes:

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  I agree! SPCA all the way! :yes:

                  Same here. 🙂


                    Maplecarver wrote:

                    I suggest Heifer International which trains poor people around the world to take care of livestock, and gives them a critter. The recipient has to pass on the animals first female offspring to another family in need.

                    But something that goes directly to an animal rescue sounds nice too.

                    Or a foodbank.

                    Will be offline till Sunday. :bye:
                    :hi: Good one Maplecarver.I have seen a few things on this one.
                    They are all worthy causes but I think any charity that helps people to help themselves is always a good way to go. Good Luck choosing folks 😀

                    Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                    (Wanted......Brimstone Lap)
                    Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                    Hi Laurie,

                    I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ll be able to participate in this trade :(. I have to edit my offer and what I have left doesn’t sound like enough unless people want gems but there hasn’t been any interest in those. Sorry :(.

                    Good luck everyone!


                      Ok, I have to trade for the costume this time!!! 😉 Congrats Crimson.

                      So what is my offer for Crimson’s costume? Remember, next week will be the last trade!!

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