
Home Forums Miscellany Community Ewww…..

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      I probably would have freaked out – I thought I had it bad chasing lizards and frogs out of my house – I live in FL – it never gets cold enough to eliminate bugs, etc.


        asinnamon wrote:

        I have instilled the “I stay out of your house, stay out of mine” rule. If it’s in my house, it’s fair game for the shoe, book, broom. Outside, I leave bugs alone, spiders too…..

        I would have died if that were in my house!! You are very brave to shoo it out of your house! I probably would have called the neighbor!

        Yeah, but the trouble is, how do I say, “Help me shoo a huge spider out of my house.” In Japanese? 😕


        MURPHY! There you are!—I have been looking all over for him! Please send him home. 😆


          DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

          asinnamon wrote:

          I have instilled the “I stay out of your house, stay out of mine” rule. If it’s in my house, it’s fair game for the shoe, book, broom. Outside, I leave bugs alone, spiders too…..

          I would have died if that were in my house!! You are very brave to shoo it out of your house! I probably would have called the neighbor!

          Yeah, but the trouble is, how do I say, “Help me shoo a huge spider out of my house.” In Japanese? 😕

          Sumimasen, watashi to tasuke eru ookii kumo kogai desu.

          😆 Roughly something along those lines…


          Oh eww… that is one big spider. I just had to google it. Interesting spider. But, I would have freaked if I saw that in my place. I’m scared of the little tiny jumping spiders we have around here. I can’t deal with spiders, (I used to be arachnophobic, I’ve gotten over it but, I still can’t handle them.)

          Just talking about bugs, creepy crawlers makes me just itchy.

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