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- This topic has 34 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by Rose.
May 30, 2007 at 1:23 am #582382
Sooo… I wake up this afternoon to go to work and I find this happy guy chilling on my laundry room door.
My first reaction is, “Oh cool. He’s big enough to eat the roaches and anything else that might come by. How nice.”
Here’s another photo. I tried to get the app. size of him- this guy is as big as the doorknob.
But then of course, I turn to go get in my car and I start thinking about it.
“Hmmm I wonder if he’s poisonous. He’s really big. What if he tries to climb into bed with me like the cockaroach did? Regardless, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with him MOVING in general.”
I turned around, opened both doors an looked for something to shoo him out of my house. I had a pizza pan nearby but I didn’t like the idea of him crawling ON the pan and maybe on me.
Luckily I spotted a light bulb nearby that I was going to take out to replace.
The light bulb is 120 cm in length, so a quite effective 10 foot pole so to speak.
Happy with my new tool, I tap above him to try and get him to the floor. He moves one foot down. I tap to the left. He moves one foot to the right.
YAY! What a cool spider!
….until he gets to the floor. He then jets straight for my stairs with me trying to get him back to either door. I almost squished him a couple times trying to get him out of my stairs, but eventually I got him to my garage.
Where I spent the next 20 minutes (Good thing I tried to leave early..) trying to get this guy out from under my car.
After I successfullly shooed him out back I wonder why I didn’t squish him when I got him outside.
After a bit of research, I find out this guy DOES eat cockaroaches. 🙁 Why oh why did I chase it out….
May 30, 2007 at 1:23 am #491185May 30, 2007 at 1:28 am #582383Um….that is an interesting houseguest.
While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!
May 30, 2007 at 1:57 am #582384That’s one big spider 😯
May 30, 2007 at 2:02 am #582385I love love spiders! Man he’s adorable!
Really, the only spiders I remove from the house are wolf spiders. Everything else I’m cool with hanging out 😀May 30, 2007 at 2:27 am #582386yuck…I’d have emptied a can of raid on it….then called someone to remove it…
May 30, 2007 at 2:49 am #582387OMG!! Eeeeew!!! Spiders freak me out…end of story…I would have smushed him with something big….vacume cleaner….college lit book….something big and HEAVY….Eeeeew…. 😯
May 30, 2007 at 3:10 am #582388Kujacker wrote:I love love spiders! Man he’s adorable!
*cough, gags on drink, spit, choke, cough, cough* 😳 … 😮 😯 ❗ .. Sigh, there’s one in every bunch. I hate spiders.
May 30, 2007 at 3:43 am #582389That thing is huge!
May 30, 2007 at 4:36 am #582390He looks like he could eat birds, forget about cockroaches! Too bad there weren’t two – you could have given Nirvanacat a run for best bug porn. 😆
And, yes, I know that spiders aren’t technically bugs. 😉
May 30, 2007 at 4:59 am #582391Dang, he’s big! 😯 I normally leave alone any spiders that come in the house, but that guy is so big that I would’ve shooed him out too. 🙂
May 30, 2007 at 5:07 am #582392Oh yeah. That is indeed a big spider. . . . And then I followed that link, and read about all the happy birds and lizards and things . . . until the photos at the bottom.
That, now, that is a spider that would probably kill me via coronary if I ever saw one in my house. 😯 I thought orb weavers were big. I thought the tarantula that chased my mom across camp was big. I thought sun spiders were big and ugly. Ahaha. Knowing that there is a very large ocean between me and the huntsman spider is probably the only thing that will let me sleep at night.
My husband wants us to visit Japan someday. I would like to visit Japan someday. I hope Customs is understanding about my suitcase full of Raid. Either that or I visit the country inside a very large hamster ball. 😛
May 30, 2007 at 6:29 am #582393Wow, that is a big spider 😯 . I usually okay with spiders outside but they do not belong in my house!! I would have shooed him out too. I don’t care how benificial he is if he’d wound up in the bed he would have gone squish flush 😀
May 30, 2007 at 7:29 am #582394Anonymous
Ah yes, thank you Canada and the -55 winters that kill this junk.
May 30, 2007 at 8:04 am #582395that is AWESOME! what a pretty spider!! if you find any other neet bugs,lizerds..anything dead or alice, would you take photos of it? i have an endless apetite for learning about things
we do that here too. in order to keep flies under controle we let jumper spider come into the house. I have a giant black on in my room right now, i saw him just this morning and freaked him out by accident.
next time i see him i will take photos. -
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