
Even though it says copyright windstone…

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    Well…you all make good points, I’ll send it to John for his verdict, it would be interesting to see what he says…Also does any one know what the text says? I thought it might be german, bu I’m a little rusty. I thought it was kindof cool, in a free advertising way maybe, but it look like catalog pictures to me. I wondered about the avatars/banner things/siggies, but assumed they had all been approved. It’s the copyright that makes this one kinda ambigious to me. I’d love to here the official verdict.


    No, that isn’t OK without our permission and copyright notice. I’m not quite sure what it is. An ad for My Space page design?


    So that’s the official verdict, I explained that it was one of those premade layout, that you get the code for and it makes your homepage look like that, but I don’t know if this website creates their own or if it’s user submissions, which would make it harder to track.


      A lot of the layouts on those sites are user submitted. I found the page where it lists the “designer”. http://www.pimp-my-profile.com/layouts/details.php?site=myspace&cat=17&cname=Unicorns&lid=97528

      They have also done layouts with the White Male Pegass and the Gold Dragon. http://www.pimp-my-profile.com/users/constins/layouts/

      And there’s a section in the ToS that describes what to do to report copyright infringment. It’s number 8 at the bottom of the page. http://www.pimp-my-profile.com/tos.php


      Ohhhh! NOW I see what theyre doing at pimp my profile. And yes, that is super copyright infringement. Glad John was informed and I hope he definitely puts the kibosh in this! They have taken too many liberties and over stepped their bounds.


      The wedding cake dragon family is also on the gold dragon one…that’s so not right, the pictures are obviously from this site, except for that awful shiny peg one with the funky background, and bothe the dragon and peg ones have NO copyright on them. Hopefully John can get them pulled or something.


      This turned out to be more serious than it looked at first. Good catch, DragonMistress.


      Thanks GB!!

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