Estate Sales and Flea Markets…Locally

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  • #561873

    Well, I figure that if I find them at auction, wether in lots or not, I will go ahead and buy them. But around here estate sales seem to carry their own prices, and that is all dependant on wether or not the sellers have any idea how much certain furniture or other smaller items are worth.
    When/if (I am trying to be positive here) I find extra things, I will most likely post them on here. I figure that alot of us are looking for retireds out there, maybe I will get lucky. We also have alot of pawn shops in the area (and alot of people with really bad drug habits, who consequently are always pawning things off. 😕 Which might prove good for me/us also. 😈 ) and I plan on making a day of just browsing around every and any resale or pawn shop, aution or sale.
    If I get a real sweet deal on a peice anyone is looking for, I promise not to rip anyone off. I really don’t wnat to do this to make money. I want to do this so that I can help out people and sorta “Pay It Forward”. Recently some of you have helped me out here, and I would just like to do the same.
    So wish me luck!! 😀 😀


      Good luck! I’m looking for….
      White dragons
      Emerald dragons except the lap, scratcher and hatching empress
      Black griffin
      Wizards retreat
      And coiled mother in any color 😀
      hatching kinglet in any color but brown
      black unicorn family


        Yeah, if you see anything retired at a decent price, or even anything still in production cheap I’m sure you could find a buyer.

        Here’s my current want list: (the short version)
        Any large flapcat.
        The small white flapcats, and the black birdwing flapcat.
        Either the black or the tan male griffin.
        The hatching emperor, in any color.
        Any old warrior but ruby.
        Peacock young oriental.
        Frog Prince.
        Frog Wizard.
        Rock dragon.
        Any logo stones.
        Mouse wizard in any color.
        Spirit wolf (not the candlelamp, the little one.)
        Rising spectral dragon.
        The original animals (bobcat, armadilo, razorback, cats, wolf, etc.)

        Right now my budget is a little iffy to pay for the big stuff on that list, mind, but if I could get any of those really cheap, or any of the small items at a decent price, I’d go for it. Especially the flapcats!


          Wonderful of you to offer Windstonecollector!

          I’d Love
          – Flion
          – Tan Griffon
          – Siamese or Large Flap Cats
          – Peacock Wind Wizard
          – Barn Owl or Lynx of the ‘old’ pieces

          Of course Just about anything Windstone has made works too!



          Well here’s my wish list:
          -black griffen
          -peacock oriental (dark or light)
          -large flap cats
          -small bat winged and bird winged flap cats
          -black baby unicorn
          -male kirin
          That’s all I can think of.


          Good luck.
          I am looking for:
          Rainbow hatching, fledging, maybe emperor
          Black unicorn family
          Black Griffin
          Hatching Turtle
          White Young dragon
          Any of the older animals


            I’m looking for:

            ~Emerald Sun Dragon
            ~Baby Kirin


            Here’s my wishlist:

            Reasonable price

            Male Kirin
            Rainbow Feldge (Perferable brillant gem tones)
            Young Oriental (any color)
            Oreintal Dragon (any color)
            Mother Pegasus (any color)
            Young Pegesus (any color)
            Young Unicorn (any color)
            Griffins (any color)


              Thank you and Good Luck!

              I’m looking for:
              Castle of the Hawks
              Wizard’s Retreat


              LOL I’d say just buy whatever Windstone you find, I’m sure you can find a home for it here!


                sunhawk wrote:


                LOL I’d say just buy whatever Windstone you find, I’m sure you can find a home for it here!

                A’int that the truth!


                  Scratcher is really the only one I want. Would like him in peacock (or black, but since that’s a new color I doubt that’d be found at an estate sale D:).

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