
Emperor vs Secret Keeper

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      boskydragon wrote:


      Dragon Master Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:51 pm Post subject:


      So Melody is a SK???
      🙂 Most def!
      Interesting way to think of her. I wonder what she would say to that??


        Barrdwing wrote:

        DROGO wrote:

        Another thing that bothers me about the SK is she almost looks like another species. She looks more ‘human’& wiser (rightly so) than the other dragons. Almost like a ‘dragon god’ of sorts, like there should only be ONE of her around. I’m not saying there SHOULD be only one of her, but it seems like she’s too powerful to have peers. Kinda like the female version of that male dragon in Reign of Fire. I get this not so much from her size but the way she carries herself.

        Well, I know that there will be only one SK in my collection! 😛 I know that there are folks who have more than one SK, but they are costly and your average collector will probably only ever have one. So most of the time, the SK will reign supreme over her kingdom (queendom?) of dragons. 😉

        There’s a wonderful photo somewhere in the Gallery of an SK facing an Emperor (or is it a Riser?). It looks like she’s about to punch him in the snoot! 😆
        There was a picture in Melody’s album with a Rainbow SK and Emperor. I’m stil in LOVE with the Rainbow SK


          From what I figure the emperor was done a looong time before the secret keeper…you cant always know what you may do in the future. I’m supposing Melody wanted to do a big beautiful dragon and so she did. I don’t really see why she should limit herself to size restrictions just because she named one an emperor dragon…I don’t really know, I’m just guessing… 😀


            purplecat wrote:

            From what I figure the emperor was done a looong time before the secret keeper…you cant always know what you may do in the future. I’m supposing Melody wanted to do a big beautiful dragon and so she did. I don’t really see why she should limit herself to size restrictions just because she named one an emperor dragon…I don’t really know, I’m just guessing… 😀

            YEAH! not all Emperors are BIG. look at Nepoleon. >_>


              purplecat wrote:

              From what I figure the emperor was done a looong time before the secret keeper…you cant always know what you may do in the future. I’m supposing Melody wanted to do a big beautiful dragon and so she did. I don’t really see why she should limit herself to size restrictions just because she named one an emperor dragon…I don’t really know, I’m just guessing… 😀

              I do not care about the size or relation to eachother I just want an Empress Dragon finally


              KoishiiKitty wrote:

              purplecat wrote:

              From what I figure the emperor was done a looong time before the secret keeper…you cant always know what you may do in the future. I’m supposing Melody wanted to do a big beautiful dragon and so she did. I don’t really see why she should limit herself to size restrictions just because she named one an emperor dragon…I don’t really know, I’m just guessing… 😀

              YEAH! not all Emperors are BIG. look at Nepoleon. >_>

              Haha, so true!

              Besides, in nature the females are sometimes bigger than the males, so sizes could be really flexible. Then there’s the whole artistic license thing… that just throws the rules right out the window 😀


              hmm well beings i will never be able to afford a SK, my emperors will always be the lords of my realm of dragons 😆


                I’m not much of a book reader but I have seen several movies where the emperor was not the biggest. Like dragonmaster though I am waiting on an empress. So is my niece


                  vapordragon wrote:

                  I’m not much of a book reader but I have seen several movies where the emperor was not the biggest. Like dragonmaster though I am waiting on an empress. So is my niece

                  I would LOVE to finally see one one day!!


                    I remember some folk were calling the laying down garden dragon scuplture Melody never mass produced the empress. If I recall it right, ‘she’ looked more like the same ‘species’ as the OW. So maybe that still wouldn’t give us an empress…
                    (though I’d still love to see this piece produced!)


                    Would be COOL to have an emperess dragon.


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      purplecat wrote:

                      From what I figure the emperor was done a looong time before the secret keeper…you cant always know what you may do in the future. I’m supposing Melody wanted to do a big beautiful dragon and so she did. I don’t really see why she should limit herself to size restrictions just because she named one an emperor dragon…I don’t really know, I’m just guessing… 😀

                      I do not care about the size or relation to eachother I just want an Empress Dragon finally

                      Here, here!!!! Bring on the Empress!!! 😀


                        YEAH ANOTHER EMPRESS FAN!!!

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