
Emperor vs Secret Keeper

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    Let me start by saying that I LOVE the SK’s. However, I feel kinda cheated that they are the largest dragons around, and not the Emperors.

    I kinda feel bad for the Emperors. The title ’emperor dragon’, to me, suggests that they should be the biggest and the baddest around, and they have been just that for so long.

    I guess I don’t really know where the SK’s rank in the Windstone universe. Is there a story behind the SK’s?



      She is the boss 😆 I am sure there is a story somewhere in the ask Melody thread. I just remember her mentioning the front legs were a pain to cast.


      SK’s Rule…espically since she is a female. 😀


        also, the emperor is a Male and the SK is a female. as Ski siad, she is the boss..
        plus when you look at the design, they are a completely different dragon. the scales pattern and some of the anatomy are completely different.so it could be that the SK species are just bigger from the Emperor species.(random thoughts not based on anything i have read, just from my own observation.)


          I think the SK should have been called the Empress. I have been waiting for YEARS to finally put my eyes on a Windstone Empress Dragon.

          All I remember is the SK is such since she has her claw clenched and is supposed to keep all your secrets in her claw.
          I also thought it was strange that she towered over the Emperor since I had the same thought line that the Emperor was not to be out ranked.


          Another thing that bothers me about the SK is she almost looks like another species. She looks more ‘human’& wiser (rightly so) than the other dragons. Almost like a ‘dragon god’ of sorts, like there should only be ONE of her around. I’m not saying there SHOULD be only one of her, but it seems like she’s too powerful to have peers. Kinda like the female version of that male dragon in Reign of Fire. I get this not so much from her size but the way she carries herself.


          DROGO wrote:

          Another thing that bothers me about the SK is she almost looks like another species. She looks more ‘human’& wiser (rightly so) than the other dragons. Almost like a ‘dragon god’ of sorts, like there should only be ONE of her around. I’m not saying there SHOULD be only one of her, but it seems like she’s too powerful to have peers. Kinda like the female version of that male dragon in Reign of Fire. I get this not so much from her size but the way she carries herself.

          Yeah. It almost seems like if the emp is the dragon “king,” the the SK is the uber-wise, not-of-this-realm mystic that the ruler can turn to when he needs help/advice.

          “Did you try plugging the computer in, Emp darling?” 😆



          Megani-chan Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:37 pm Post subject:

          “Did you try plugging the computer in, Emp darling?” 😆


          DROGO Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:15 pm Post subject:

          Kinda like the female version of that male dragon in Reign of Fire. And I thought he was great. 8)
          In my mind, there is still not an empress, and the SK is kinda like the goddess. 🙂


            So Melody is a SK???



            Dragon Master Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:51 pm Post subject:


            So Melody is a SK???
            🙂 Most def!


            DROGO wrote:

            Another thing that bothers me about the SK is she almost looks like another species. She looks more ‘human’& wiser (rightly so) than the other dragons. Almost like a ‘dragon god’ of sorts, like there should only be ONE of her around. I’m not saying there SHOULD be only one of her, but it seems like she’s too powerful to have peers. Kinda like the female version of that male dragon in Reign of Fire. I get this not so much from her size but the way she carries herself.

            Well, I know that there will be only one SK in my collection! 😛 I know that there are folks who have more than one SK, but they are costly and your average collector will probably only ever have one. So most of the time, the SK will reign supreme over her kingdom (queendom?) of dragons. 😉

            There’s a wonderful photo somewhere in the Gallery of an SK facing an Emperor (or is it a Riser?). It looks like she’s about to punch him in the snoot! 😆


            It should be noted that in most species of reptiles, the female is the bigger critter! Hehee!

            Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


              I don’t mind the SK being the biggest.. I like her because she is so different from all the other dragons. As someone else mentioned, she’s like an entirely different species. We still need an empress dragon though. My emperor is feeling lonely. He’s sitting on my desk with only a roaring sentinal gargoyle to keep him company. Which he probably thinks is beneith him.. Kind of like when cats look down on dogs as some sort of “dirty, lower species”. 😀


                Zelda wrote:

                It should be noted that in most species of reptiles, the female is the bigger critter! Hehee!

                I think with birds of prey, the female is usually bigger too.

                As far as dragons, Anne McCaffrey’s gold Queen dragons were bigger than all the males. 😉

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