Emerald/Peacock or Gold?

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      I like the prototype empeas and the red fire from pics…but then again I’ve never seen either in person. 🙂


        That gold OW is gorgeous! The prototype Empea, too.


          here are my gold and empea ows if these pics help your decision making at all. i love my empea alot, but man, griffiness, your gold is super! all that purple on yours! i am so jealous, but glad he has a loving home with you! mine got squat for purple. 🙁 it shows up best in natural light ( he has a little more than what shows) but i used a “light box” with these guys. i can’t wait to get the red fire once i save up enough, that one looks like a knockout!



            Thanks so much for posting those tfsculptures! 😀 They are both beautiful. But I love the Emeerald Peacock. This picture really shows his true colors… same with the gold. I think I’ve decided on the Emerald Peacock. DZ loves the color, and highly recommends it. But these pics cinched it for me! I just don’t like the golds all that much anyway, and really dislike the blood red eyes they have. Thank you so much for sharing your opinions and pics everyone. I do appreciate it.

            Oh, you will be so in love with the Red Fire OW tf! He is so amazing in person… I can’t say it enough. You outta get some real good pics of him with the lightbox you have. 🙂


            They look great side by side!! 🙂


              travistie wrote:

              Thanks so much for posting those tfsculptures! 😀 They are both beautiful. But I love the Emeerald Peacock. This picture really shows his true colors… same with the gold. I think I’ve decided on the Emerald Peacock. DZ loves the color, and highly recommends it. But these pics cinched it for me! I just don’t like the golds all that much anyway, and really dislike the blood red eyes they have. Thank you so much for sharing your opinions and pics everyone. I do appreciate it.

              Oh, you will be so in love with the Red Fire OW tf! He is so amazing in person… I can’t say it enough. You outta get some real good pics of him with the lightbox you have. 🙂

              oh squealies! i’m glad i was able to help! i just took those this evening for this- it seemed to be a good a time as ever to get some good pics of em. 😀 you got me feeling all warm n fuzzy over here! i love my empea and he is soo much nicer in person! he’s really glossy and his color is really rich and deeply metallic n sparkly. the gold is pretty, but what really makes him is the quality/heaviness of the shading he gets with the brown and purple…if its light, like mine then he gets a little monotone. for 260 bucks, i want my color to have some “oooomph”, lol. i love his red eyes on the other hand, so that was what sold me on him. i think the paint jobs are more consistent with the empea and you may be happier in the end for it.
              i can’t wait for the fire ow! eeeeeeeeeee! (rolls on the floor with glee) i LOVED the pics you took of yours! its just hard to put the funds towards the production pieces when more and more juicy limited stuff keeps coming out! >.< i can't keep up! i think the fire and empea will be SUPER compliments for each other too! i have my rubies right now next to my empeas to compliment them, but i think once i start getting the red fires i might have to rearrange!


                tfsculptures wrote:

                oh squealies! i’m glad i was able to help! i just took those this evening for this- it seemed to be a good a time as ever to get some good pics of em. 😀 you got me feeling all warm n fuzzy over here! i love my empea and he is soo much nicer in person! he’s really glossy and his color is really rich and deeply metallic n sparkly. the gold is pretty, but what really makes him is the quality/heaviness of the shading he gets with the brown and purple…if its light, like mine then he gets a little monotone. for 260 bucks, i want my color to have some “oooomph”, lol. i love his red eyes on the other hand, so that was what sold me on him. i think the paint jobs are more consistent with the empea and you may be happier in the end for it.
                i can’t wait for the fire ow! eeeeeeeeeee! (rolls on the floor with glee) i LOVED the pics you took of yours! its just hard to put the funds towards the production pieces when more and more juicy limited stuff keeps coming out! >.< i can't keep up! i think the fire and empea will be SUPER compliments for each other too! i have my rubies right now next to my empeas to compliment them, but i think once i start getting the red fires i might have to rearrange!

                Well, I’m glad I put you in a good mood! 😆 I already ordered my Emerald Peacock OW. I wanted to hold off until after the rainbows come out… but I couldn’t wait!
                I really do think it will look great next to my Red Fire one. Man, once I get a rainbow in there too though… it will be like happy color overload! 😆

                I haven’t posted a pic of my Red Fire OW yet. You must be thinking of keschete. She posted a pic of hers. The color just looks so much better in person though. I think that’s the case with all of them though!


                  oh whoopsie! i thought you posted the pics, lol. i confused your two names cuz they have slightly similar endings… “ete” vs. “tie” . sorry. lol. i’m still getting over the flu ever, so i was too lazy to go back and check. congrats on ordering your new dragon! squealie!
                  the rainbow DOES look awesome too; i didn’t think that i was going to like him, but now i’m wishing i had an extra 300 bucks! he is stunning in it! gah! i’m sure there will only be a few, so they won’t be around for forever in the store either….gah!


                  Congrats on your decision, travistie. 😀
                  Griffiness, those photographs of your OW are lovely.


                  mmmmmm tf your em pea is yummy! I think the light tent works best for windstones, i took my pictures agggggggges ago outside that is why they are so crummy! I love my light tent but i am living away from home now, i havent seen my Windstones for 2 months 🙁


                  My Gold definately hads lots of purple, its a shame it doesnt really show in those pictures! Sorry Emerald, he has a REALLY good home now though 😀


                    Griffiness wrote:

                    My Gold definately hads lots of purple, its a shame it doesnt really show in those pictures! Sorry Emerald, he has a REALLY good home now though 😀

                    Aw, shucks. 😀 I’m glad you like him.


                      travistie wrote:

                      I can’t stand the ruby color, but thanks for your suggestion! 😆

                      I’m glad you gt your OW. I know what you mean about the Ruby color in general. I don’t know if mine just really nice, but he is increadible in person. I’ve seen other Ruby pieces and been ehhh….no not for me. 🙂

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        Thanks! I am very much looking forward to getting him, now that I have a better idea of what they actually look like.

                        Now, if those rainbow OWs would just come out already!


                        I’ve wanted a gold OW since I saw him at the mall last year, but I can’t afford one. ;0; Maybe some day…

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