
Emerald Peacock Curls

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  • This topic has 115 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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  • #527996

      skigod377 wrote:

      A “Training” holiday. Sounds like an oxymoron to me, but im not gonna argue. We get random days off all the time. The new boss just made a big change to our Army way of life over here, too, so I am excited. Just a quick briefing: We would train every Thursday morning from 0700-1200 for “Sergeants time.” Then, we are supposed to go home ar 3pm for “Family time.” Problem was that since we trained all morning instead of working, we always had to work late. NOW, there is no more Sergeants time and no more Family time!! Its just a regular 9-5 job!! YAYAYAYA! and he implemented 2 more 4 day weekends into our year. Finally, someone with a brain! We also get to do PT (Workout) 5 days a week instead of 4 now, which is another good change since they changed the weight standards.

      That sounds great!!! Wish I had a schedule like that!!!


      My curled dragons wont get here until next week. Which is fine by me. We also get monday off. But then I get the whole week off because I took a vacation. hehe


      That’s nice! Do you have anything planned for your vacation?


        Awl man! I missed those little guys AGAIN!? Grrrreat….dang… Awww, I really like the redish ones better. I hope Melody will put some more of those out.

        Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
        Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
        Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


          Silverdragon wrote:

          Awl man! I missed those little guys AGAIN!? Grrrreat….dang… Awww, I really like the redish ones better. I hope Melody will put some more of those out.

          the colors on these are really great in person too though…


            frozendragon wrote:

            Silverdragon wrote:

            Awl man! I missed those little guys AGAIN!? Grrrreat….dang… Awww, I really like the redish ones better. I hope Melody will put some more of those out.

            the colors on these are really great in person too though…

            Awwww…..errrr, not fair….*whimpers* I want a cute snuggle dragon to hold in my hands. 🙂

            Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
            Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
            Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Dragon Master wrote:

              in America and I guess for the American armed services it’s Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday

              Oh. Him. Nope, he’s not important over here.

              He should be important EVERYWHERE with what he did for human rights


                skigod377 wrote:

                Yup! I told ya! We get lots of holidays. Friday we had off, too.

                Yes the government takes as many days as they can figure into the year and we pay for them


                  the color for all the new ones are GREAT. I really hope me little Green Fledge gets here today before I leave for work


                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    in America and I guess for the American armed services it’s Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday

                    Oh. Him. Nope, he’s not important over here.

                    He should be important EVERYWHERE with what he did for human rights



                    Actually, he really isn’t, frozen. 🙂 No day set aside for him over here.


                      see I think that is sad with all that he did for man kind


                      Uh-huh. Except that he was a Communist, self-proclaimed Marxist, he plagiarized most of his writings and his followers trashed every city where he preached. I’d be careful about giving him a lot of glory.


                        Dragon Master wrote:

                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Yup! I told ya! We get lots of holidays. Friday we had off, too.

                        Yes the government takes as many days as they can figure into the year and we pay for them

                        Well why dont you come do my job with my pay and then complain about how many days you have off. Or deploy away from your family for a year and put a price tag on that. And FYI, I pay taxes, too, so really, I pay my own salary. At least part of it.


                          I’m talking about the big wigs not the pee ons like us. Trust my our CEO made a total of I think it was $31 million per year in salary and bonuses and here I am trying to make it in CA where I’m behind on my mortgages. And they say that can’t give us 100% of our annual bonus when we are the ones keeping the company going

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