emerald orientals on ebay

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    Hm, I’m taking a liking to the Orientals. Once the OW and griffins are off my list… 😀


    I have so many on my list, they won’t ever be finished I don’t think…I still have 3 ruby to go, 4 black/gold, 5 ep, 5 gold, 3 more sconces, 5 candlelamps…And a poad in a pear tree? 😆


    😆 😆 That’s nothing compared to everything I still want.


      Thanks, that’ll be four pieces now, and I think, for the time being, I’m going to lay off unless I see a deal I can’t pass up, since I’m spending money I shouldn’t be. 😉

      I guess I’d be one of the few that prefers the orientals to the western dragons, more to look at, I suppose, I dunno. Maybe I’m just weird.


      How do you mean, more to look at? It seems to me the Western dragons have more detail than the Orientals, but I’ve never seen an Oriental in person so I can’t really tell for sure.


        I don’t suppose I’m sure what I mean. Maybe the designer in me prefers all the curvy bits as opposed to the compact nature of the others.

        It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of the western-style ones up close, so I may decide I like them both once the mum Ruffian is sending me gets here.

        How about I reserve judgement ’til then?


        That’s fine. 😀 But I agree with you about curviness. I love the swings and coils on the scratcher. He’s my favorite sculpt – even though the Spectrals are my overall favorite Windstones – just because of all the movement in his pose.


          dragonmedley wrote:

          I was going for the young oriental, but dragonessjade got it. 😥

          Hey, Dragonmedley, did you see this one?



            Rusti wrote:

            dragonmedley wrote:

            I was going for the young oriental, but dragonessjade got it. 😥

            Hey, Dragonmedley, did you see this one?


            Oooooh! Nope, I hadn’t. But my ebay searching skills are not the best.


            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              There’s a ruby babe up too. just search ‘windstone’ and it’ll bring up a couple pages for you to browse through.


              The ruby one is starting out a tad steep, though – all the ones from that seller are.


                I figured out why he didn’t show on my search: I use ebay.ca, so only sellers who ship to Canada will show up. In this instance, I will ask the seller before I put in my bid.

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  The ruby one is starting out a tad steep, though – all the ones from that seller are.

                  Yeah, I kinda thought that when I saw them all go up, they’re starting them at retail instead of below. They won’t go for much more then they’re at now, if people bid at all. Not to mention that yah, the ruby oriental sun *can* stlll be ordered, but they’ve listed in their auction that it can’t.

                  But, I don’t desparately want any of them, so, more power to the seller if he gets what he wants for them.


                    Rusti wrote:

                    [Not to mention that yah, the ruby oriental sun *can* stlll be ordered, but they’ve listed in their auction that it can’t.

                    It’s possible they can’t- only Karen would know. Referring to this thread (see Melody’s comment on page 2):


                    Back in October, so it’s possible that they’ve sold the last of them in the last three months, since they stopped making them before that.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                      No. They’re still available. I’ve gotten two from the warehouse within the last month. My order forms show them still orderable (if that’s a word). The babies are gone though. The Sun Dragons are still there.

                      Edit: I just looked at the listings and this is the guy I got the two medium claw foot candle holders from. They came quickly and packed well.

                      The Oriental Sun Dragon is cheaper than retail and the Young Oriental is cheaper than it would have been if I could still sell it. The Oriental Sun retails for $187 and the Young retailed (past tense) for $69, but are currently unavailable. They are like the unicorns and bookcases – out of production, but not yet retired.

                      The Oriental Sun is still available, but no longer being produced, if that makes sense. It looks like he’s just selling his retired (out of production) stock, like I’m doing.

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