EEEEeeeee, thanks purplecat!

Home Forums Miscellany Community EEEEeeeee, thanks purplecat!

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    Hey lookee what Purplecat gave me!
    A siggie! I was so bummed ’cause it didn’t work then I posted a comment and it did too work! Yay!
    Thanks Purplecat, it was sweet & unexpected.



      You’re welcome! I’m hoping to get better with these and be able to do more with them eventually. I’m glad you like it! πŸ˜€


      That is a 8) siggie. I espically like the font.


      Aw, how nice of you, purplecat! Siggies are so handy. I think it’s easier to identify folks on here by their siggies, rather than their avatars.


      My husband thought it was pretty cool! And he doesn’t really like me hanging out here ’cause he blames the forum for all my recent windstones…. (14 production pieces and 5 PYOs since I joined, that’s roughly 5/month…)
      I wonder how much Windstone sales have gone up since the forum. πŸ˜‰


        Hehe…I’ve gotten roughly 40 windstones since I joined (sigh, don’t tell my hubby…it’s not occured to him to count them yet…). πŸ˜€


        Purplecat-could you make me a siggy? I think I would like that more than my pregnancy ticker. I would really appreciate it!


          If she doesn’t have time I could make one.


            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            Purplecat-could you make me a siggy? I think I would like that more than my pregnancy ticker. I would really appreciate it!

            Oh, I’ve loved your pregnancy ticker! I’d be happy to make you one! What’s your favorite sculpt? πŸ˜€


            purplecat wrote:

            Hehe…I’ve gotten roughly 40 windstones since I joined (sigh, don’t tell my hubby…it’s not occured to him to count them yet…). πŸ˜€

            Haha, my bf finally saw that I had a Mermaid one. He asked me, when did you get that on? I told him a while ago. And then I showed him the rest of the new ones. It is so much better to show him when I get them, but I don’t want him to get mad. πŸ˜†


              Hehe…yeah, I know… πŸ˜‰


                What we all need to do is get soooo many that no one (Bf/hubby/gf/wife/so) could possibly spot a new one. I think its a sound plan. *Nods*


                  I agree!!! πŸ˜† I’ll pick on my hubby by saying, “You mean you weren’t paying attention when I told you about that one? You really need to listen better….what else have I said that you’ve missed? 😈 “


                  purplecat wrote:

                  I agree!!! πŸ˜† I’ll pick on my hubby by saying, “You mean you weren’t paying attention when I told you about that one? You really need to listen better….what else have I said that you’ve missed? 😈 “

                  Haha, that is a good one. I might need to use it.

                  And Ski, I already have so many and that is probably why he doesn’t notice. πŸ˜†

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