EDIT:My Mom is getting a fox

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    I recently got a National Geographic that had it’s main article about a genome experiment on domesticating foxes. I did some more research and its amazing. These foxes are breed to be like a dog, they even wag their tails. They get along with other cats and dogs even children. Whats sad is they have to many foxes and have to sell many to fur shops. But you can purchase one for a mere $6,000. I might just say to my honey, screw a nice honeymoon, lets get a fox!

    Awesome Video on the project

    Video of fox and a dog playing!

    Where you can purchase one

    OMG my mom is getting one. She just got me to email the distributer. She has been in love with foxes since she was a little girl. Her whole house is decorated with all things fox. She actually cried we she watched the video. Apparently she had known about this breeding program in the 80s but the foxes were never available as pets. I am very excited for her.



    AW MAN THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sad that they’re being sold to pelters, but still REALLY COOL! And we all know that I secretly want one…….. 😳


    I didnt know they had started selling them! Thats pretty neat though, I remember watching a show about them in the 80’s sometime, they originally bred them to skin, then breeding the tamer ones to the tamer ones, so they were easier to deal with, started changing their coats.


    Thats cool!

    It sucks that we would nevr be able to have one here doesnt it Dragon87!!


    OMG! I WANT! wantwantwantwantwant! So cute!!

    lol-of course all my cats have been of the ‘free’ variety 😉

    Wampus Dragon

      I would REALLY google the sibfox place. They may be a scam. They have very little in the way of fox care info on the site and it seems a little cookie cutter. Also the price is really high. They seem to be a broker on American soil that may or may not be getting these foxes from the Siberian farm. It would probably even be cheaper if you could find a way to order one directly from the Siberian farm and not through the middle man. There’s simply no way this person isnt doing this for ridiculous profit, and on top of that, they neuter them, so they are trying to corner a market it looks like.

      Seems shady.


      Sechan wrote:

      I would REALLY google the sibfox place. They may be a scam. They have very little in the way of fox care info on the site and it seems a little cookie cutter. Also the price is really high. They seem to be a broker on American soil that may or may not be getting these foxes from the Siberian farm. It would probably even be cheaper if you could find a way to order one directly from the Siberian farm and not through the middle man. There’s simply no way this person isnt doing this for ridiculous profit, and on top of that, they neuter them, so they are trying to corner a market it looks like.

      Seems shady.

      If you go to the actually Farms site http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/booklet/Engl/EnglLabaratories/LabEvolutionaryGeneticsAnimalsEngl.html it refers you back to sibfox. They have already emailed me back with answers to all our questions. We bought a Friesian Stallion from the Netherlands. It cost way more for his paper work and transportation than I care to say. Not just that he had to be in quarantine for 2 months. Which you the owner have to pay for. It was a very expensive. Way more than these little guys. So I can see where importing an exotic animal from Russia would be expensive. Sibfox also has a money back guarantee if you are displeased or if it dies. Honestly I don’t think my mom cares to much about the money. My Dad left her a large estate when he passed away. I haven’t seen my mom get so giddy over something since he died. She is truly smiling and it isn’t forced.

      As for them being neutered, they have been breeding these foxes for over 50 years as an experiment for genomes. I could see why they wouldn’t like them to breed outside their facility. The main reason why they are now available is so they don’t have to be sold to fur farms. The lead scientist talks about that in the article in National Geographic.

      If it doesn’t work out then it wasn’t meant to be. But I hope it does for my mom’s sake. She is acting like a little kid, shes 66, and I know my dad would have bought one for her if he was still here.


        Wow, that sounds awesome. I didn’t know they sold the foxes. That sounds lovely.

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        WRITE. DOWN. EVERYTHING!!! :gasp: I read this article too, and I absolutely LOVE THEM!! Someday, when I actually have that much money, I really want to rescue one (even if they cost more to get than a genuine Savannah cat!). Seriously, have her write things down, take pics, and videotape what a normal day looks like so that people who also support the adoption of domestic foxes are more aware of what they’re getting into (sadly, there isn’t very much info on the subject).


          Too cool! I hope she can get one. You will need to check exotic animal ordinances, though.


          ruffian wrote:

          Thats cool!

          It sucks that we would nevr be able to have one here doesnt it Dragon87!!
          I know! Not to mention, even if they were allowed in the area, they sure wouldn’t be allowed in my apartment building.

          My pocketbook’s a bit happy about that one though. 😉

          And it’s cool your mom’s getting one, Griffinlover! We’ll need pictures on here… of course. 🙂


            Oh. My. God.

            SO ADORABLE!! *Squeeeeeee* Look at the little guy on the left – I want him!!!

            Griffinlover – I’m so happy for your mom, you have to show us many many pictures when she gets one!!

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            Oh my, like I needed another animal for my lists-of-pets-I’d-have-if-I-ever-got-rich! 😆 Adorable!!


              Keeping foxes is not necessarily all that it’s cracked up to be. Foxes do not equal dogs or cats.. even domesticated foxes!
              Be completely sure of what you are getting into.

              I’d highly recommend contacting and talking to my friend Foxfeather (yes this is her legal name) as she has kept foxes and can give you the low down on what it really means to share your home with them.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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