
edited – wings – new pix pg. 2

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      here are the wings I just finished for my friends daughter, Meg. The pix aren’t real great…. the patterns are identical on the front and back of the wings. The glitter is holographic and changes color according to the light source. I’ve found a place that sells glow in the dark glitter, but it’s terribly expensive and I didn’t think a 2 year old would appreciate it. Enjoy!

      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

      (maybe these should go in the general art section? 😳 Feel free to move ’em πŸ˜€ )





          Those are so pretty!


            Thankies! I guess now it’s a little more understandable when the boys complain about going to school (7th grade) covered in ‘pink and purple twinkles πŸ˜† )

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Thankies! I guess now it’s a little more understandable when the boys complain about going to school (7th grade) covered in ‘pink and purple twinkles πŸ˜† )

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

            between PD’s fairy shirt and Alyssa’s fairy costume every thing i own is covered in glitter


            Karli needs some! Tomorrow! Darn it…if I had known you could make such awesome wings I would have asked you in time for Halloween.

            Next year for sure then…she’s going this year as a fairy zebra….LOL…I found this cute zebra costume someone made, and some fairy wings and thought, yes, she’ll be a fairy zebra, that’s different!



              That’ll be darling! Make sure you post pix since I’m always on the lookout for wing inspiration πŸ˜€

              twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                They’re so cute! Why didn’t you model them for us πŸ˜€

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Good question, Medley. πŸ˜† They’re pretty wings, TDM


                  Those wings are so sweet πŸ˜€ .


                    Very Very Nicc you did a great job on them


                      Thanks muchly! I couldn’t model them; they are too small for me but will be huge on Meg πŸ™„ I did some for one of my nieces when she was a week old and the pix were darling! The wings were no bigger than my hand and were all different shades of pink… Think naked cherubs and you sorta get the idea πŸ˜† All she wore was the wings and the pearl bracelet I’d made her as well. All dinky little things. I’ll see if I can scrounge up a pic from my sister-in-law πŸ˜€

                      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                      Pictures of the zebra fairy as promised, it is so cute I can’t stand it.

                      My next trick is to get Karli out of it for the rest of the day so we can run our errands, she really likes it. LOL! I can’t seem to convince her that this was just a try out.

                      Not bad for investing $2.00 total on this costume, you have to love resale shops! The zebra outfit was handmade by someone, it is not store bought, all the seams are not finished out on the inside and no tags, but they thought of everything, ears and tail too! It is also big enough for her to wear next year if we can think of a new idea for it…perhaps devil type wings to make her a demon zebra?? *laugh*



                        That’s a really cute, and very original costume! Can’t beat the price tag either! πŸ˜€


                          Too, too, darling!!! I LOVE it!!! I never thought of stripey wings; I’ll have to give ’em a try πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† How have you attached the wings to the costume? That’s something I’m trying to figure out besides the standard ties. I’ve tried ties, clear elastic and the sort you stuff down the back of the outfit and I’m not real happy with any of ’em… still experimenting… Karli is ADORABLE!

                          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


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