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  • #554011

      Melody wrote:

      When you see Windstone fakes/ copies/ or things that are potential infringements of our stuff on Ebay, please leave the auctions alone, and let us know about it.We need to purchase one ourselves to get on with legal action against them. The auctions often get pulled before we can get the evidence we need! So don’t scare that kind off.

      I don’t think this was a case of copyright infringement, Melody. More of a case of keyword spamming to get their auction to come up in searches for “Windstone.”


        Yes, this is just our personal annoyance at having to look at crap when we seach “windstone” on ebay :mrgreen: We tend to over-zealously report potential infringements to you guys 😉


          My bad on the Christmas Tree, ‘Cat. I’ve never even clicked on the auction. lol I guess Melody never really investigated it either, she said, “There seems to be Windstone brand aluminum Christmas trees” in this thread:


          I think that’s why I assumed it was legit.

          Let us know what the spammer has to say. 😉


            IF I hear anything! LoL


              More info on the “hatching dragons” auctions….after my message (on first page) he/she wrote back:

              I am not spamming nor am I breaking any rules. And after a years time worth of selling only you have bothered to nit pick and pry into such trivial things. Get a life will ya?

              And they changed the hidden text at the bottom of the auctions to read:

              scales, scaly, dragon, dinosaur, reptile, animal, renaissance faire, sculpture, original, sculpy, clay, cute, adorable, wyrm. For those of you who are hiden text seekers this is not spamming these are all keywords relating to the piece I am selling. I just hide it to keep it out of view and cluttering the description above. If you dont like it then tough ive already talked to the ebay chat people.

              And I responded:

              Thank you for removing the irrelevant information from your hidden text. It wasn’t so much the text that was a problem, but some of the content….Such as using the name Windstone….that was offending and against the rules and regulations as I’m sure you were informed of.

              I hope that in the future you find that your rude and unprofessional behavior will gain you no respect in dealing with others.

              Once again, thank you for removing those key words that were inappropriate.

              ~A much less concerned eBay member

              Hehehe, I am creator of Drama! I mean….I know how to professionaly handle idiots…=P


                That was great!!!! 😆 😆 😆


                Hee Hee 😆 😈


                That’s my girl! 😈


                you are my hero, nirvanacat. 😆


                  Geeez! Some people!


                  Good job, Nirvana. 😀


                  You handled that perfectly!


                    *applauds* Well done Nirvana!

                    If they don’t want to deal with trivial nit-pickers, they should never get the Windstone Forum membership involved. Danged bunch of no-life, hidden text seekers! 🙄 😆 😉


                    I think they are a forum member because I reconginze the ebay name.


                      Someone PM’d me and said that they are a forum member, but haven’t been active for a while, or at least not seen. Either way, I do NOT condone this type of behavior, and the rudeness was uncalled for. If this person reads this thread and is pissed off, they might want to think about their future actions, and how it will affect how others react to them. I say that I’m a “drama starter”, but honestly I was just pissed off, and in this situation felt that I could do something about it. I was trying to lighten the mood =P, poor taste maybe, but lightening and enlightening was my intention. :mrgreen:

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