Ebay set Global Shipping when I originally specified it OFF

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      So, I’m posting this to warn others, in case ebay took this upon themselves all around…
      I have all the items I list as USA shipping only, as I don’t particularly enjoy waiting weeks for ebay to release my funds, especially when the shipping comes out of my pocket…
      I was particularly happy to see a couple items sell so I could have some extra Christmas money, but come to find out, I get to wait it out, because Ebay set the Global Shipping program on ALL of my listings, something I remember quite distinctly checking to OFF when I made the listings… I’m calling them tomorrow to rip them about this and try to cancel one listing, as I simply can’t afford to ship things and not have that come back to me until mid December, when I need Christmas funds! — Grahh!!

      Anyway! If you as well only ship within the USA for the same reasons I do, I highly recommend checking your listings, to make sure they’re STILL set the way you want them to be set…

      Also, anyone have any ideas where else I could list items other than Ebay? I’m overall tired of Ebay’s BS… I’m about to resort to Craigslist even though I’m really not a fan


      Im not exactly sure how things work when you live in the US and use ebay… but I have bought items from ebay, from US sellers, who DONT use the Global Shipping program. I personally HATE Global shipping… it adds on Import fees etc… which more often than not, if it had been just sent normally to me, I wouldnt have even been charged customs fees anyways… yet because of this I had to pay it. I therefor try very hard to avoid sellers who use global shipping. Again, Im not sure how it works on your end, but cant you ship outside the US without using Global Shipping? And why does ebay hold your funds? I used to sell on ebay years ago, and never had to wait like that… but again, that was years back so Im guessing things have changed.

      Ebay sent me a survey a few weeks back on a transaction I did with a seller who used global shipping, and I had nothing good to say about it. The fees were unwanted, and the tracking numbers didnt work.

      Etsy is a place were I see cool things for sale, not sure how that works to sell on that site. I have bought from there though.


        Im not exactly sure how things work when you live in the US and use ebay… but I have bought items from ebay, from US sellers, who DONT use the Global Shipping program. I personally HATE Global shipping… it adds on Import fees etc… which more often than not, if it had been just sent normally to me, I wouldnt have even been charged customs fees anyways… yet because of this I had to pay it. I therefor try very hard to avoid sellers who use global shipping. Again, Im not sure how it works on your end, but cant you ship outside the US without using Global Shipping? And why does ebay hold your funds? I used to sell on ebay years ago, and never had to wait like that… but again, that was years back so Im guessing things have changed.

        Ebay sent me a survey a few weeks back on a transaction I did with a seller who used global shipping, and I had nothing good to say about it. The fees were unwanted, and the tracking numbers didnt work.

        Etsy is a place were I see cool things for sale, not sure how that works to sell on that site. I have bought from there though.

        Yes, there is a way to set Ebay to ship internationally without the Global Shipping Service… and honestly I would trust shipping it myself 120% more! People use it because people think international shipping is hard, and Ebay makes it “easy”
        The reason I don’t ship internationally at all through Ebay is because until I hit 25 (I think it is) sales (I’m at 10, including the one I’m going to try to cancel), they hold ALL of my money (Including the shipping, though there is *supposed* to be a way for up to $15 released right away for shipping, never got it to work though) until 3 days AFTER a tracking # shows as delivered, or something like 20 days from payment if there is no tracking number, or USPS is dumb and doesn’t scan it as delivered.
        This is all to make buyers feel more “secure”, if you screw someone over, the money is still there to refund with, and they figure after XX amount of sales you actually aren’t trying to screw anyone over and finally release funds immediately, but I’m nowhere near that number because I don’t sell *everything* on Ebay (I avoid it when possible, anymore)
        On top of that, even when shipping with Actual Cost, there is still money coming out of my pocket, because Ebay takes 10% of ALL the money paid, including shipping, and Paypal takes their 3% of ALL the money… This doesn’t seem like a whole lot right off… but lets think about the fee’s on a $200 Windstone shipped internationally for $40 – The seller is now out $31 of what the buyer paid .. Also, hence why the Global Shipping Program is popular, sellers only pay to get it to the shipping Hub in Kentucky… less fee’s for sellers.
        And the way the fee’s work, is they tally all those up into an Ebay invoice that’s billed monthly, instead of just taking it straight from the original funds.
        So now, I not only have to pay for shipping, but I will also have the ebay fee’s to pay, and likely all of that BEFORE I get the money from Ebay because they’re running me through a ringer, that I quite specifically opted OUT of… and all of this, riiiiight perfectly among the Holidays, when I am trying my level best to make money to spend on Christmas, and instead, I’m going to be worse off… Hence why I am going to call tomorrow and do my absolute level best to get one order cancelled, because the money I would be bringing in *eventually* isn’t worth the cost of it *now* – So now I’m going to be looking into selling Windstones, I didn’t originally want to sell, just to make up for this, so finely put, clusterf***…

        Needless to say, I’m beyond frustrated… which is so helpful when I am also sick. – This week has sucked.


          That’s weird. If you set something on ebay I don’t think they should be able to change it but check again to see if it mistakenly got switched on and turn it off. So for international sales, they won’t release your money until after it’s delivered? I haven’t heard of that before unless maybe that’s a new thing? Although I have been selling for a while so I can’t remember if they ever did that to me. Although with me being in Canada, most packages from the U.S. get here in about a week and the tracking shows that as soon as a package is delivered so it might be worth the wait to get the money to get more customers in other countries and build up your sales and feedback. I personally hate the global shipping program myself though and won’t buy from sellers who use it. If I really want something, I message the seller and ask if they can take the global shipping program off and just change it to be able to ship directly to me in Canada. Their ‘import’ fees are ridiculous and they charge twice as much for shipping and don’t let people use first class shipping as an option. I suppose it could be safer to use priority mail but the import fees they charge are ones I never get charged if someone just ships to me normally. I haven’t been charged customs fees on any packages in like a year so I don’t like that they charge upfront for those when customs are only ever randomly charged on a small percentage of packages normally. Overall I prefer to sell off ebay like on here but I have actually had quite a few customers from the U.S. and internationally from ebay that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. To make up for their fees, I always price my items according to what I want to get after fees are taken off so I allow extra in my starting price to cover that. I know that it doesn’t always work out if you want something to sell faster if you price it better but I don’t mind waiting sometimes if it takes longer to sell a piece. At least with you whether you wait for ebay to release the money or wait for a higher priced auction to sell, it is pretty much the same except I guess the part about shipping but I thought if they held funds that they at least released enough money for you to print a shipping label? I know they held funds on me before when I had a dispute going on paypal and I still had access to money from sales for shipping. I would definitely talk to them about all of that but if you do want to build up your sales so they don’t hold money in the future, it’s probably better not to cancel any sales and just wait it out for now.

          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


            I cannot speak to selling on Ebay, but I have been a regular buyer since 2006. Since the induction of this new shipping program, my choice among sellers has seriously been refined. I avoid any item, where the seller has selected to ship through the Global Shipping Program. All too often I see fees being charged and added to the total, when in reality, not even Canada Post would charge on something that price, so this avoidance is based on principle. I’m sure all the American collectors here are sick of hearing about us up north, trying to dodge customs and brokerage fees, but Kim had a point in another thread when she tallied up what she might save on shipping in one year by going with First Class mail…this could mean hundreds of dollars in your pocket at the end of the years…and for us starving collectors…well, you know who you are!!! lol I see the same type of savings by avoiding items on ebay being shipped through the program. To be clear, this isn’t an attack on the sellers.

            I recall seeing the holy grail of everything holy on eBay, and darn it! the seller was using the program to ship. I politely contacted them and asked if they would reconsider their shipping method. The sellers response was that it made it easier for them, and declined changing it to make the sale. I’ll never forget the first back and forth I had, when I first noticed this GSP. I read something like “you pay no additional fees when you pick up your parcel” and I said “Huh, what kind of fresh *ell is this????? I never would have been charged anything at pick up to begin with”, then hubby yells “who are you talking to”? lol.

            I wanted to ask, while we’re on the topic, is there an ebay seller here, who religiously ships using the Global Shipping program? If you’re out there, please help me understand what it is about the program that benefits you, as a seller. I know that in my small circle of ebay-spenders, every last one of us, avoids listings with the GSP. When I’m giving advice to people who are new-ish to ebay, I also instruct them to avoid those listings, unless they have money to throw away.

            Woa, I really went off topic…SORRY KAYTANA 🙂

            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            Kim and Angelika Zen, like I said above, and I will say it again in agreeance with you both, I HATE the global shipping program! The one and only time I used it was a little while ago to buy a black Windstone Baby Unicorn. So I get charged extra fees that I wouldnt have gotten stuck with by customs in the first place. And on top of that the tracking didnt work for me. I could only track it so far, then poof, nothing else. A week later I get a weird notification from Canada Post, from Pitney Bowes, stating Ihe a parcel enroute to me and that the shipper has processed the shipping label. It did NOT tell me who the shipper was or anything, and I had no clue what this package was that was coming to me, or WHY I had gotten this email…. and there were four reference numbers in this email, such as order #’s etc… and not ONE of them matched any of the numbers from this ebay sale, or the paypal transaction. I did not know that it was the unicorn until is showed up at my door.

            I let the seller know this, as they had no delivery confirmation, no proof it was delivered because the tracking numbers didnt match up. I could have easily claimed I hadnt even gotten the item. And ebay sent me a survey regarding this sale, and I ‘kindly’ filled them in as well. I told them would NEVER buy from anyone using this global shipping program again. Its a rip off….End rant…sorry !

            I do hope you called them Kaytana and gave them an ear full !


              Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

              I never got around to calling today.. I should have, but with a headache, I just wasn’t up to the.. uh.. heh.. headache… I looked at where the package is going, and the one I might cancel is going to Mexico, so depending on how I am feeling tomorrow, I might just suck it up and print the shipping label and be done with the whole thing… though I will be calling at some point about the whole situation, as I know for sure it wasn’t me who clicked that one dumb setting, and it had to have happened recently, cause those listings had been up for a while, and then 2 sold within a couple days of each other…

              I seriously have never been able to get the “releasing X amount of funds for shipping” … my dad even spent an hour on it one day, trying to figure out how to make it work when I couldn’t figure it out, and we just gave up.

              I do find it weird, if I read things right, when an item is shipped with GSP, once it reaches their hub, I am no longer held responsible for lost/damaged items, because they look at things at the hub to assure it’s all ok (To make sure they’re not held liable for something I did, and I’m not held liable for something they did – Also, usually where Windstones sent GSP go all wrong, from stories I have heard, as they don’t always double box, even though it was originally shipped that way) – So if they check things out, why do I still have to wait for it to deliver and/or 20 days to get my money? o.0

              Unfortunately, until/if I find something new to use, Ebay is the only place I know of where I can do auction style… unless it’s a Windstone taking offers here… and some items are just oddball things that need a broader audience to get a nibble..

              Oh, and Kim, to what you mentioned, quite honestly, if I did cancel this order, what difference is 10 vs 9, when the minimum is 25, it’s going to take me a good long while to reach 25 with or without this 1… but the money invested into this 1 before I get it back on the 17th of Dec, does make a difference. I’m on a much tighter than normal budget right now… and hence why tomorrow there will be Classifieds ads posted… I’m to the point of even debating selling the blank PYO Kitsune I have instead of painting it and selling it… Long term Vs Short term.. my issues lie in the short term…


                Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

                I think there is a place where you can see what the buyer ACTUALLY got charged, I think it’s hiding somewhere on the order details page. A long time ago I sold a $12 wallet via global shipping. $12 wallet + $3 shipping to Kentucky hub + ebay charged $36 (!) for the “global shipping”. $36!!!!

                I started selling on ebay about three years ago. Do you have any little things laying around the house that you could list for $1? When I started selling, I grabbed a handful of Garbage Pail Kids cards from my junk drawer and listed 50 of them for a buck each. After ebay took their cut, and paypal took theirs plus that 30 cent transaction fee, I didn’t make any money at all, but it jump started my reputation as a seller. Do you think a few quick sales like that would help boost your sales number quickly?


                  Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

                  I think there is a place where you can see what the buyer ACTUALLY got charged, I think it’s hiding somewhere on the order details page. A long time ago I sold a $12 wallet via global shipping. $12 wallet + $3 shipping to Kentucky hub + ebay charged $36 (!) for the “global shipping”. $36!!!!

                  I started selling on ebay about three years ago. Do you have any little things laying around the house that you could list for $1? When I started selling, I grabbed a handful of Garbage Pail Kids cards from my junk drawer and listed 50 of them for a buck each. After ebay took their cut, and paypal took theirs plus that 30 cent transaction fee, I didn’t make any money at all, but it jump started my reputation as a seller. Do you think a few quick sales like that would help boost your sales number quickly?

                  Hmm.. I have some old Magic the gathering cards I could probably do that with… didn’t think to use the worthless ones in $1 bulk sets as a sales booster to fill in the numbers.
                  Thanks for the idea!

                  I’ll also see if I can find where the buyers total cost is… darn website can be impossible to find things, I usually just Google what I’m looking for on their page and let it find the darn thing! Lol


                    Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

                    I think there is a place where you can see what the buyer ACTUALLY got charged, I think it’s hiding somewhere on the order details page. A long time ago I sold a $12 wallet via global shipping. $12 wallet + $3 shipping to Kentucky hub + ebay charged $36 (!) for the “global shipping”. $36!!!!

                    I started selling on ebay about three years ago. Do you have any little things laying around the house that you could list for $1? When I started selling, I grabbed a handful of Garbage Pail Kids cards from my junk drawer and listed 50 of them for a buck each. After ebay took their cut, and paypal took theirs plus that 30 cent transaction fee, I didn’t make any money at all, but it jump started my reputation as a seller. Do you think a few quick sales like that would help boost your sales number quickly?

                    Hmm.. I have some old Magic the gathering cards I could probably do that with… didn’t think to use the worthless ones in $1 bulk sets as a sales booster to fill in the numbers.
                    Thanks for the idea!

                    I’ll also see if I can find where the buyers total cost is… darn website can be impossible to find things, I usually just Google what I’m looking for on their page and let it find the darn thing! Lol

                    That’s exactly what I did! My Garbage Pail Kids weren’t worth anything, so I just used them to get my seller reputation started. Make sure you list them so they’ll at least completely cover the fees and a postage stamp and you should be good to go! 🙂


                      I can’t win… heh… so I decided it was less hassle to say screw it, and ship the darn thing than try to cancel the order, right? … except! … my boyfriend can’t get the shipping label to print (He prints it from work cause we don’t have a printer.. nor really a place to put a printer, lol) … and hasn’t been able to get it to print for days now *sigh*


                        I’ll be very honest, I didn’t read through ALL the replies, so I apologize if this has been said, BUT!!!…..

                        Katayna…there is a way to set up your ebay so that you don’t pay shipping until the funds clear. When you go to pay for shipping, it should give you the option to “Pay now” or “Pay later…usually when the funds are available”. I have done that before too because, I feel ya! Especially when shipping Windstones and you have to pay $20+ out of your own pocket while waiting for funds to clear. IF you don’t see that option, call ebay and ask them. It’s there, I swear! I’ve used it many times. Once you complete 25 successful sales, the 26th sale-the funds are available immediately. I just went through that myself (again)

                        Also….I’m glad to hear some feedback about the GSP. I click that option because I’ve gotten burned by an international buyer to the tune of $250 while I was unemployed in the past…and I’m still resentful. The thought that ebay takes responsibility is great. But I didn’t realize what it is like for the buyers. I have 2 buyers on items right now that asked me NOT to use the GSP. According to the USPS website, tracking is now available on first class international packages, (that’s how I got burned in the past. “I never got it!” BS, yes you did!…moving on) so for anyone wanting to sell over seas, supposedly first class can now be tracked. I’ll find out first hand here soon when my auctions end!


                          I’ll check closer next sale I get for that shipping ability! My bf /finally/ got a label printed! So this whole thing is just an obnoxious and ill timed learning curve…
                          I think I’m just going to continue USA only on ebay til it releases funds right away (which has always been my plan, til Ebay changed my setting under my nose), then I’ll look over the options more closely, but I fear the same kind of thing happening like you mentioned… sadly I just don’t put much past people, especially on ebay


                          According to the USPS website, tracking is now available on first class international packages, (that’s how I got burned in the past. “I never got it!” BS, yes you did!…moving on) so for anyone wanting to sell over seas, supposedly first class can now be tracked. I’ll find out first hand here soon when my auctions end!

                          Depends on the destination, but usually First Class just had tracking while the item is still in America, then the only other update I get is when the item is delivered to me.
                          I also thought First Class must be doing full tracking now, I recently got a full tracking report on a parcel shipped this way, and that would never happen otherwise, but then the next two parcels, tracking only within the US. I’ll keep an eye on it because it would be fantastic if they were doing full door to door tracking on First Class mail now.


                            I am confused about the tracking too for first class because on the other thread a Canadian recently had an alert from the USPS website saying tracking wasn’t available for it but on the Canada Post website it still tracks first class once it reaches the border and up to your door. Well I just had another item delivered to my dad’s address last week, also Canadian and on the USPS website it showed the full tracking this time so I am not sure if they changed it or what’s going on because it should be consistent if there is or isn’t tracking.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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