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    I won’t be selling Windstones on there, but I m thinking about thinnning my Dale Earnhardt Sr. colleciton out. And getting rid of some of the older Isabel blooms I have…I don’t know I haven’t ever sold anything on ebay. 😕


      Who was wrong? I was wrong. I was mailing packages today to Canada and mentioned to Mr. Rush what a bummer it was that I couldnt insure to Canada. He looked at me crazy and told me I could. Then the other postal lady came out from the back and said I couldn’t. (She was the one who told me that in the first place) Then they argue for about 5 min, before Mr. Rush gets fed up and shows her how to do it. It was kinda funny, but I felt sorry for her. The PO was jam packed w/folks and she got corrected quite soundly. She was not hitting the correct code when entering the insurance for Canada. So, I was wrong. I sent everything out insured even though I didnt offer it to Canadian buyers. Sorry, Little. My mistake.


        Not your mistake it was the mistake of the lady that was under trained at the post office


          I was told by postal workers that I couldn’t insure to Canada, either! They told me that once it leaves the US and passes customs that it’s no longer their responsibility. Guess I know the truth now… geez. Thanks for the info, Ski!

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
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            They did tell me that when its insured it takes longer to get to its destination cuz it has to go to JFK (???) or somewhere… before it goes to Canada. Im glad I can offer insurance now.


              skigod377 wrote:

              They did tell me that when its insured it takes longer to get to its destination cuz it has to go to JFK (???) or somewhere… before it goes to Canada. Im glad I can offer insurance now.

              John F Kennedy airport in NY.


              When I mailed Iron’s fledging…I insured it before sending it. I think it is a case of someone not getting trained correctly.


                It kinda makes sense to me that insurance would be offered… I won’t buy anything that has to be shipped if I can’t insure it and I’m sure I’m not the only one…


                  I insure to everywhere….I have one specific person that I go to at the PO and they always get it right….get the prices right….and get things where they need to go…

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