Ebay.. last second bidders.. arg

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    Man I put a bid in on that Mother Dragon EP. I was going to get it for my mum for mother’s day and someone snaged it at the last second..I was watching the timer on it and everything.. counting down last seconds and then I didn’t win someone else did. ArGh!!!!! Was such a bummer!


    get used to it, most have learned that if you really want it you pretty much have to snipe it.


      Or just have alot more money πŸ˜†


      πŸ˜† πŸ˜† There’ll be three more, Trottier.


        And they’re also regular production (but those are not signed with a paper), so if you just want the dragon, you can still get it.


        I was at college when the EP young Dragon finished and i wanted him sooooooooo much i put a silly amount in hourse before the auction finished (More than he has gone on the last 8 that sold) Just in the hope that i would get him and i did πŸ˜€
        If i was to buy him over here i would have to pay more than what i payed for the EP i got on ebay anyway so fab deal for me. And EP isn’t in any of the two shops in England yet anyway. Really excited about getting him. My first Windstone painted Dragon πŸ˜€
        Sorry about the mother πŸ™ There will be more though πŸ˜€


        skigod377 wrote:

        Or just have alot more money πŸ˜†

        Yup! Sometimes I wonder if putting in a high bid works just as well as sniping.

        Do you think most people put in their highest bid to start with, or do you think there are actually a lot of people who will put in a higher bid when they’ve been outbid?


          mimitrek wrote:

          skigod377 wrote:

          Or just have alot more money πŸ˜†

          Yup! Sometimes I wonder if putting in a high bid works just as well as sniping.

          Do you think most people put in their highest bid to start with, or do you think there are actually a lot of people who will put in a higher bid when they’ve been outbid?

          Both? πŸ˜‰


            Yeah, both. I’ve seen it on the bidder lists.


            In that case, its best to snipe just to be on the safe side. πŸ™‚

            Though there is the ever present danger of the computer locking up at the crucial moment… 😯


              Yep. I know all about that one πŸ™„


              Poor Star…we need time travel!


                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰


                I’m sorry but I love to snipe 😈 (speaking generally, it wasn’t me who sniped that particular auction! LOL)

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