Ebay….Goodbye to you I guess?

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    We’re forgetting the other side of the problem with MO’s folks.

    One, if you pay with one and the seller says they didn’t get it, you can’t prove they did, which leaves you out the money and the item.

    Two, many banks will no longer accept them as a form of payment, I have run into this more than once. You can deposit it, but if you need to cash it, forget it, they will not, and neither will anyone else. MO’s are no longer trusted.

    Three, MO’s are a royal pain in the butt to get, you have to have cash, and go somewhere that sells them, and along with your purchase, you have to pay for the MO itself.

    I agree that it is not right for eBay to force people into not accepting MO’s, but for myself, I would never use a MO if I can help it, you are better off with a check.

    Also, if you are worried about someone stealing your identity over the net, likely all the information to do so is already out there, no matter how careful you are. Do a search on yourself, most likely you will find yourself and every residence you’ve had for the last 10 years will be listed as well as phone numbers if you have ever been listed…I know, because when I do a search on myself, it comes up with the last three known addresses for me as well as a lot of other information that could be used against me.

    Please, don’t bash me, I do agree with many of the points mentioned, but felt that the downsides of MO’s should also be addressed.



    I’ve never had a problem with mos… well there was one minor issue with a Canadian mo but that was it ^^; mos are the only thing I can take for my Windstones right now since I can’t use paypal. o.o


    Kyrin wrote:

    We’re forgetting the other side of the problem with MO’s folks.

    One, if you pay with one and the seller says they didn’t get it, you can’t prove they did, which leaves you out the money and the item.

    Two, many banks will no longer accept them as a form of payment, I have run into this more than once. You can deposit it, but if you need to cash it, forget it, they will not, and neither will anyone else. MO’s are no longer trusted.

    Three, MO’s are a royal pain in the butt to get, you have to have cash, and go somewhere that sells them, and along with your purchase, you have to pay for the MO itself.

    I agree that it is not right for eBay to force people into not accepting MO’s, but for myself, I would never use a MO if I can help it, you are better off with a check.

    Also, if you are worried about someone stealing your identity over the net, likely all the information to do so is already out there, no matter how careful you are. Do a search on yourself, most likely you will find yourself and every residence you’ve had for the last 10 years will be listed as well as phone numbers if you have ever been listed…I know, because when I do a search on myself, it comes up with the last three known addresses for me as well as a lot of other information that could be used against me.

    Please, don’t bash me, I do agree with many of the points mentioned, but felt that the downsides of MO’s should also be addressed.


    One, if the seller is that rotten, then you shoulda looked harder at the feedback. Whenever I look at an item, I go back and look at the seller’s negs if they have any, then if I see it is more of a buyer being pissy thing, I just toss out that negative. If I see one where someone didn’t get the item they paid for, or that it was broken etc, I keep checking. I do my research on ebay before buying from a seller, and often will come back to do repeat business with them.

    Two, if the seller accepts them as a payment, then they obviously don’t have issues getting them cashed. I know there are some who have problems with this though. I’m sorry banks can’t seem to understand that money is money. That MO is money sitting there. The PO isn’t going to go under, they just keep raising the rates of postage.

    Three, I don’t mind paying $.30 to $1.05 for a money order. I don’t find it too difficult to walk or drive to the PO and buy one. But, I only live a half mile from mine, so that makes it easier.

    I am not worried about identity theft, I am just not wanting to pay for another car stereo and speakers for some buttnugget that stole my CC acct info again. I don’t have enough money to support someone’s stereo habit or whatnot along with my own Windstone addiction. 😉
    You can go online and find someone without paying a dime. There are white page directories out there. Not to mention the site you are talking aobut, or one similar, where it tells you addresses and relatives, any differing names you may have had etc. But, you won’t find my credit card info or banking account out there easily…
    I don’t mean to sound corse or seem like I am picking on you Kirin, or bashing you, so I am sorry if it sounds that way :oops:. Everyone has their own opinion on everything. 🙂 😕

    Oh, and there are many other auction sites…I am sure they don’t all take only paypal. 😛 (Cuz that would be 😈 and they would only be paying more fees.)


      Kyrin wrote:

      but felt that the downsides of MO’s should also be addressed.


      Right, there are downsides, but buyers/sellers know the risks when they use them and should at least have the option to do so if they wish to, is all.

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        yeah… when I listed that griffin.. it told me I wasn’t allowed to list it.. until I removed the note that said I would accept a money order for it…

        I have been sent a fake money order before…. but still my bank is good enough to recognize them before anything bad happens…

        but if anyone noticed.. it says paypal is the ONLY form of payment now.. which in itself is kind of cheesey..

        but oh well.. we all have to adapt somehow…

        that’s just the way things are going because pretty soon I’m sure they’re gonna do away with paper checks and everything is going to be electronic..


          Kyrin wrote:

          Please, don’t bash me, I do agree with many of the points mentioned, but felt that the downsides of MO’s should also be addressed.

          True, but the ultimate responsibility is on the parties involved.

          Ebay is simply a medium, no different that this forum, your newspaper, Craigslist, etc. If a buyer and a seller agree on a payment method, that’s their choice. If one end commits fraud, that’s between them and law enforcement.

          Money orders really are no different than cheques. They can be stopped, canceled, revoked, forged. Only cash has true value, and lately that value seems to be in question.

          Since Ebay is a private owned business, they have the right to limit what occurs on their site. It will hurt their business though, by limiting how people can transact.


          Well Kyrin I agree with 99% of your arguments. But you can get MO’s online. You don’t have to go to a place to buy them 100% of the time. If you want the Canada Post ones or the USPS ones, then yeah. But a MO I sent with Western Union was entirely electronic on this end.

          And when the person said the previous MO couldn’t be cashed, I asked for the MO back, and refused to send another MO until I got it. If the bank took it, then well, they can’t send it back can they? Also Western Union tells you if the recipient received the MO or not. Which kinda kills the “I didn’t get it, and then cash it” thing.

          I do agree with everything else. Overall they are a pain to do, when I can do Paypal with a single click of my mouse.


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          But that is an idea with the prepaid thing.

          You might also want to consider “virtual credit card numbers”, which are specifically designed to offer a secure way of making online purchases. A credit card which offers “virtual credit card numbers” gives better security and flexibility than a prepaid credit card.

          You can get “vitual credit card numbers” if you get a credit card with Bank of America, Citi Bank, or Discover. A “virtual credit card number” can be created for each new purchase, even though your actual credit card number stays the same. This ensures that no one can make any fraudulent charges on your credit card using any previous credit card info that you had submitted.


            I have my Paypal linked to a baby account. It never has very much money in it, in case I get hacked. And if my paypal account did get hacked, I’m thinking paypal and ebay will be very very sorry. But I think this will hurt ebay, they just don’t realize it yet. The whole I must give them a bank account thing REALLY bothers me.

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              Good point, Mimi. I’ve used virtual CC numbers. They work great!


                Also too, you don’t HAVE to pay by payapl….If you agree with the seller to pay in a different form, both of you can mark “item paid” or whatever and arrange for delivery of payment. (the little symbol things to the right of the item on your “won” or “sold” pages) You may need to get a delivery confirmation or send the MO certified mail to make sure they are honest about getting it, but it could be worked out. I had to do that for a transaction a little while back, everything worked out fine.


                lamortefille wrote:

                Good point, Mimi. I’ve used virtual CC numbers. They work great!

                That’s good to know! I’d read about but had never used them before, because my credit card company (Chase) doesn’t yet offer virtual credit card numbers.

                However, I’ve been thinking about getting another card from one of the companies that do offer virtual credit card numbers, and using that card for online purchases. My card had been fraudulently used a few weeks ago (it was the 2nd time this year), and I’d like to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future. Going through the whole process of canceling the card and changing the autopay accounts is a hassle.


                  ebay’ll love that. Yep they paid, don’t worry about it, and business goes on as normal. :yes:

                  Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                  Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                  Sun Dragon Koi #3


                    They have a new rule? I didn’t notice. So paypal is the absolute only way you can pay on ebay? :S Ah well. Everyone else has brought up good solutions.

                    I don’t like these new emoticons…


                      Well, that’s a dirty trick. Sorry that Ebay messed you up like that, WSC. I have to say, though, that PayPal is pretty secure. It only gets scary if you aren’t aware that people will try to get your number and send you weird emails to do it. Just don’t go to PayPal through any emails. That’s all.

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