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      are those the only 2 new listed ones?? It sounded like Windstone was listing a whole bunch of items


      Were still hoping, but that is the only new ones so far.


        I hope the Green Fledglings are close to completion. I wonder if they have started on the Em Pea Fledglings yet??


        I am guessing they are using baby steps (one thing at a time).


          maybe it’s better that they are not out right now at least not until I get some more money


          Yes, think positive thoughts. ๐Ÿ˜€


            I know it may sound strange but for some reason I like to get my family of dragons together if at all possible. The Gold and Em Pea ones are going to cost me about a grand so I have to try to show some restraint


            It isn’t strange. Lawaway works wonders.


              I also need to get my new display case so they will have a new home when I get them in the house


                Display cases are freaking expensive! I just went shopping for one, as we’re moving out of the apartment with the built in display case. Holy crap! The ones I actually wanted were like… $800! I ended up finding a small, much cheaper one. ($160) But now I need to get two of those, because already my collection is too big for just one.


                  the 2 I have now cost me a grand each and are no longer available but I found 1 I also like and it will actually match pretty well also but again it’s a grand for that one. My first 2 are very nice but I have out grown them and need to get just one more. I hope it will not be more then 1 for some time to come


                  haha, it is almost cheaper to get a can of air to dust them, then it is for a display case.


                    I don’t put them in a case to save on dusting. I put them in a case so that the cat doesn’t attack them. (Crazy cat.)


                    Aw, well I guess that would make sense. I don’t have a display case because no one really goes into the room that they are in. Although when my 1 year nephew was over I should of had them in a display case. I was about freaking out when he started to pick one up. ๐Ÿ˜†


                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Aw, well I guess that would make sense. I don’t have a display case because no one really goes into the room that they are in. Although when my 1 year nephew was over I should of had them in a display case. I was about freaking out when he started to pick one up. ๐Ÿ˜†

                    Ooooh, scary there- Kyle’s 3 and it still terrifies me when he touches my stuff.

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