
Ebay Depression

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    Man, why didn’t I read this thread before? I laughed out loud when Ski mentioned “The Bell Jar”…I see it, too! (No artificial tree for me, though. ๐Ÿ™ )

    We lurkers are merciless oppurtunists, I’m afraid. >) (No, it wasn’t me…I wish I had two of those clawfoot holders sitting around!)


    emerald212 wrote:

    He didn’t. I had to cancel the order.

    I did contact Windstone and they have some individual ones, so I’m going to get them from there. I don’t know what sizes yet, or how many they have, but if anybody wants an individual one, they should sell for about $25-$30 each, and I’ll get them for you.
    Oh, sorry to hear that. But I’m glad you’re able to get more from Windstone! I’m really surprised that they still have those around…


      Okay. I can still get the smallest size, 2.5-3″ tall. I would sell them for $25 plus shipping, if anyone wants any. I won’t do layaway for it unless you buy three. I don’t want to do layaway for less than $75. Let me know right away because I’m going to place an order tomorrow.



        Oooo, I want one!


          YAY! Windstone put up stuff again!! Maybe the depression is over!!


            Noooooooo! I’m not ready!! I gotta pay off the brown one I just ordered!! Arrrrrg!


            i see you are already in there like a dirty shirt, ski ๐Ÿ˜‰


              sunhawk wrote:

              i see you are already in there like a dirty shirt, ski ๐Ÿ˜‰

              HAhA! Only half hearted! If I get it for what I bid it would be a steal! Who knows what can happen, though.


              skigod377 wrote:

              sunhawk wrote:

              i see you are already in there like a dirty shirt, ski ๐Ÿ˜‰

              HAhA! Only half hearted! If I get it for what I bid it would be a steal! Who knows what can happen, though.

              LOL i never bid at the start, i almost always wait until the last possible second.


                You know…I reaaally need to start doing that. My internet is so unpredictable though. It would suck for it to go out right at the last moment.

                Pfft…Im outbid on the rock already. That was fast… and Wolflodge almost outbid me on the dragon!


                But it is only 2 things. Must have more windstones.


                  sorry Ski! hopefully we will both get one before they are gone! ๐Ÿ˜€


                  Holy Moly. I can’t beleive that the prices of the OW and rock dragon jumped so quickly. Someone must want one really bad.


                    OK which pieces is everyone talking about?? I can not check e-bay right now


                      Black Emerald Peacock OW, and violet-shaded Little Rock Dragon

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