Ebay Depression

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  • #518683

      mimitrek wrote:

      starbreeze wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      starbreeze wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Of course! My plan is to not use my credit cards ever again! Only cash for my Windstones this year!!

      Nooooo! Don’t do that! Otherwise you’ll lose the protections you get from buying with a credit card…and there are some bad sellers out there…

      Use the credit card, just don’t buy anything more than you can pay in full each month… πŸ™‚
      Mimi, your will power must be better than mine. Once the credit card genie is out of the bottle, it’s out of control. πŸ˜†
      Nonsense, you can do it! Repeat after me: I will never buy anything more than I can pay off in full when the bill comes. πŸ™‚

      My lips are forming the words, but they aren’t quite getting out of my mouth!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

      skigod377 wrote:

      That sounded like Swahili…

      Hmm…intensive rehabilitation is indicated here…

      Mimi, I think you have your work cut out for you. πŸ˜†


      starbreeze wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      starbreeze wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      starbreeze wrote:

      mimitrek wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      Of course! My plan is to not use my credit cards ever again! Only cash for my Windstones this year!!

      Nooooo! Don’t do that! Otherwise you’ll lose the protections you get from buying with a credit card…and there are some bad sellers out there…

      Use the credit card, just don’t buy anything more than you can pay in full each month… πŸ™‚
      Mimi, your will power must be better than mine. Once the credit card genie is out of the bottle, it’s out of control. πŸ˜†
      Nonsense, you can do it! Repeat after me: I will never buy anything more than I can pay off in full when the bill comes. πŸ™‚

      My lips are forming the words, but they aren’t quite getting out of my mouth!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

      skigod377 wrote:

      That sounded like Swahili…

      Hmm…intensive rehabilitation is indicated here…

      Mimi, I think you have your work cut out for you. πŸ˜†
      I can see that! πŸ˜†


        mimitrek wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        mimitrek wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Of course! My plan is to not use my credit cards ever again! Only cash for my Windstones this year!!

        Nooooo! Don’t do that! Otherwise you’ll lose the protections you get from buying with a credit card…and there are some bad sellers out there…

        Use the credit card, just don’t buy anything more than you can pay in full each month… πŸ™‚
        Mimi, your will power must be better than mine. Once the credit card genie is out of the bottle, it’s out of control. πŸ˜†
        Nonsense, you can do it! Repeat after me: I will never buy anything more than I can pay off in full when the bill comes. πŸ™‚

        My lips are forming the words, but they aren’t quite getting out of my mouth!!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        skigod377 wrote:

        That sounded like Swahili…

        Hmm…intensive rehabilitation is indicated here…

        Mimi, I think you have your work cut out for you. πŸ˜†
        I can see that! πŸ˜†

        sooo…how long can we make this quote?




          That quote button can get addicting, cant it!?? πŸ˜†


            skigod377 wrote:

            That quote button can get addicting, cant it!?? πŸ˜†

            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


            Depression is over, we-re back to two pages of Windstones. Perfect for introducing the new year. Yay ❗


              And so many beautiful PYOs to choose from! 😯


              Ski-s been busy…. πŸ˜€


                Indeed I have:) I just put these up cuz I had nothing else to do today. The forum was quite, there was nothing new to bid on, and I ran out of things to paint…OH WAIT! I still hae one wolf!


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Indeed I have:) I just put these up cuz I had nothing else to do today. The forum was quite, there was nothing new to bid on, and I ran out of things to paint…OH WAIT! I still hae one wolf!

                  You go girl!!!!


                  So are you going to paint him as a little evening job and have him posted here tomorrow? πŸ˜† Looking at all you-re pretty PYOs, I just think you-re a really fast painter. What kind of magic do you use? It took me three and a half hours to do half the feathers on one of Xerxes wings. I could use a little magic.


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    So are you going to paint him as a little evening job and have him posted here tomorrow? πŸ˜† Looking at all you-re pretty PYOs, I just think you-re a really fast painter. What kind of magic do you use? It took me three and a half hours to do half the feathers on one of Xerxes wings. I could use a little magic.

                    I use a really big brush πŸ˜‰ J/k. I just sit down and paint. I dont know how they get done so fast. I sure dont like to let the paint dry, cuz I like to blend the two wet paints. I still like the end result, and if I tried to do all the details on the feathers like you guys do, im sure it would take me days. I dont do all that detail yet. Im just trying to get proficient at the basics.


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      So are you going to paint him as a little evening job and have him posted here tomorrow? πŸ˜† Looking at all you-re pretty PYOs, I just think you-re a really fast painter. What kind of magic do you use? It took me three and a half hours to do half the feathers on one of Xerxes wings. I could use a little magic.

                      I use a really big brush πŸ˜‰ J/k. I just sit down and paint. I dont know how they get done so fast. I sure dont like to let the paint dry, cuz I like to blend the two wet paints. I still like the end result, and if I tried to do all the details on the feathers like you guys do, im sure it would take me days. I dont do all that detail yet. Im just trying to get proficient at the basics.

                      Girl, you are way past proficient!!!! You are now an expert!!!


                      No kidding, Ski. you are an expert. Proof enough in how well your pieces sell.[/i]

                    Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 181 total)
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