
ebay auction – labeled peacock, actually rainbow

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone ebay auction – labeled peacock, actually rainbow

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  • #582781

      Just a heads up on an auction – there’s one up right now that’s labeled as a Peacock mother dragon, when it’s actually a rainbow mother. Seeing as the rainbow is a bit more hard to come by, and you can’t necessarily tell in the thumbnail that they made this mistake, I thought I would post something about it…since I noticed…


      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          Wow! good catch! I would’ve glossed that over.


            I almost did myself! 0_0 Their pictures are JUST RIGHT so that the lighting almost makes it look like one of the peacocks…

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


            I can’t bid, but I’m watching her. I wodner what she’ll go for.


            Shoot! I just checked and apparently someone, obviously not part of the Forum, wrote the seller informing her of the error and now it is posted for all to see.


            Oh yes, oh well never mind. I wonder how much she will go for now 😀


              2-medusas wrote:

              Shoot! I just checked and apparently someone, obviously not part of the Forum, wrote the seller informing her of the error and now it is posted for all to see.

              It probably was someone from the forum. We correct people all the time.


                Those mothers come up ALL THE TIME…but I never see the male (which I passed on originally because “I dont have but one mother dragon and several males…”) Good luck to someone who needs her 😉


                I have only seen about 3 up reciently 8) Never a male though 😕


                Does anybody need a Rainbow Male? I believe I might know of a couple that are still in stores; haven’t seen them in person, but I’ve been calling around lately to find out what’s still out there.


                  Barrdwing wrote:

                  Does anybody need a Rainbow Male? I believe I might know of a couple that are still in stores; haven’t seen them in person, but I’ve been calling around lately to find out what’s still out there.

                  I need a male and emperor but just dont have the funds right now. 🙁


                    I though tit was Rainbow but I already have mine good luck to all trying for it


                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      I though tit was Rainbow but I already have mine good luck to all trying for it

                      HAHA! You said “Tit”!! 😛


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Dragon Master wrote:

                      I though tit was Rainbow but I already have mine good luck to all trying for it

                      HAHA! You said “Tit”!! 😛

                      and to think..i was going to keep my mouth shut lol

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