Dying Kiten. Need Help! Ok, maybe not dying anyore.

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    What great pictures! I’m glad the kitten gets along so well with the dogs.


    starbreeze wrote:

    She is such a sweetie!! Why won’t she be old enough to pass through quarantine in Hawaii? I’m still confused about that. 😕

    It has to do with Hawaii being an island chain, and they’re determined to prevent rabies from establishing there. (Japan is the same way; we looked into this recently on a whim.) Currently there is no endemic rabies in Hawaii. So any dog or cat that wants to come to Hawaii with their owner has to prove beyond any doubt that they are rabies-free, and well-vaccinated against rabies. There are a whole stack of hoops to jump through:
    1. The animal has to be old enough to have had rabies vaccines. The youngest a cat can receive rabies vaccine is four months (at least in the US). If it’s an adult, it also has to be current on its rabies vaccines.
    2. The animal has to have received a rabies booster a certain set number of weeks before it enters Hawaii.
    3. The animal has to then have a special form of rabies titer drawn, called a FAVN test, a certain number of weeks after that booster. The test proves that the pet has got good immunity to rabies.
    4. If there isn’t time for all of the above, then the animal has to sit in quarantine at a special facility in Hawaii until the waiting period is up. I think Ski is right–it’d be three months. This can be really hard on a pet, and it would be a very bad thing to do to a kitten. She wouldn’t get the human contact that she needs in order to be a good pet. By the time they got her out of quarantine, she probably would be half-wild.

    Hawaii also has a terrible problem with feral cat overpopulation: the cats multiply like crazy, and will eat the native birds, many of which are already endangered. So Hawaii’s cities have got some fairly strict regulations about cats and dogs; the last thing they want is a pet turning into a stray. It is possible that they would try to avoid quarantining kittens and puppies simply because the time spent in semi-isolation makes them less likely to be good pets when they grow up.


    skigod377 wrote:

    I am sure ya’ll are getting tired of kitten pics, but kittens are so darn cute!! Its been a looooong time since I have been around one. 😆 She has made great friends with my oh-so-tolerant doggies.

    Sorry I missed this post till now, everyone seemed to cover all the basics though.
    Well, congrats Ski!! great job on the save, Unfortunetly “she” is definatly a he, you can tell from that pic where he’s upside down and his belly’s showing, definatly male kitten parts. I used to breed, and contrary to popular belief, males can have calico markings, though they’re usually mixed with a tabby in some form, and it’s recessive trait. he’s a real cutie though, good luck finding him a home, he look very sweet and tolerant of dogs which is a plus!!


      A boy hu? That is fine with me! I cant keep him anyway. 🙁 I did have a potential adopter ask what sex it was, though. Glad I can tell him.

      Cheryl, You are more than welcome to come visit. Star and Frozen want to come, too!!

      Star, Barrdwing is exactly right. Even for Bacchus, we have to get another rabies shot early, wait ten days, then have the blood for the FAVN drawn. If he does not pass (he has to have built up enough immunity and it takes at least two shots) then I will have to find another home for him, too. I did tell the stray facility that when I adopted him though, and they are the ones who are allowing me to get the second rabies shot early. Hawaii does not even recommend bringing puppies and kittens over because of these strict regs. This kitten will not be old enough to pass by the time I PCS. I am sorry for it, but I really dont want more of a zoo than I already have. 🙂


        Nothing for you to feel bad about. You saved the kittn’s life and I’m sure you’ll find it a great home. 😀


          He’s beautiful. I wish I could take him, but I don’t think the trip to me would be very good for him. 😀

          By the way, yes, he’s a boy.


            My mom was doubtful that ya’ll were right about it being a male by a pic over the internet. I believed you cuz I thought it was male just by his aparrent little ding a ling. I had to look it up for her though.


            Its def a male.

            Ya’ll got some good eyes!


            your too funny ski! I can imagine you going, “C’mere Ma!! you gotta look at these kitten butts!!”


              You have a beautiful, good natured dog. That kitten must be having a great time with you it’s a shame you can’t take him with you.


                darjeb wrote:

                You have a beautiful, good natured dog. That kitten must be having a great time with you it’s a shame you can’t take him with you.

                There’s two there. They just look the same 😆

                Watching this kitten is so funny. I really wish I could keep him. He does the whole hunching his back up and running sideways up to the dogs/cat/rabbit/chair/vaccum. Its too cute. He also plays till he is exhausted! Then he will crawl somewhere, flop over, and start snoring. He falls asleep in seconds!!! I am easily amused since i have not seen kittens in years.

                Flopped under the dog:

                Flopped on my mom: (Who is in love w/him)


                Awwwwww….how cute!


                  Maybe your mom will take him. 😉 Then he’ll still get to be a part of your life.


                    It’s not that you’re easily amused, it’s just that kittens amuse easily! Watching kittens, especially a group of them involved in a kitten rumble is the best entertainment on the planet.

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