Dying Kiten. Need Help! Ok, maybe not dying anyore.

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      Nambroth wrote:

      water/milk will help rehydrate the poor kiddo immensely. From what I researched you are better doing this with water than feeding cow’s milk… apparently it can really tear up a kitten’s insides. Can someone confirm?

      yeah… not medicinal or from a vet but from our own cat pooping the hell outa himself after having had cowmilk. And back then he was already a bigger kitty.

      glad to see the kitties fine πŸ™‚


      Sounds like everyone pretty much covered everything.

      It sounds like the kitten was just cold and had gone without food too long, causing low blood sugars and seizures.

      I agree about no milk, see if you can pick up KMR somewhere, feed stores often carry it, so call around so you aren’t running all over looking for it.

      Once he/she has gotten stronger, definately deworm and vaccinate, but I would just keep it quarantined until you know its going to make it.

      Good job though, sounds like the little one is gonna make it.



        πŸ˜† LIH, this one does not count as mine. I dont usually pick up animals I have no intention of keeping for their entire life, but this was an exception, of course. I will find him/her a home when he/she is of age. πŸ˜‰

        I had no choice about the cows milk. Its all I had πŸ˜• I am prepared to deal with the poop when it comes. The kitty is sleeping right now. I think he may come thru. He actually ate some more milk w/wet food, and he can walk. Still shaky and weak. He def would not still be alive right now if that guy had not found him when he did. I am still in disbelief that he didnt die, and actually recoverd so quickly 😯 I think it was just the cold. Other than that, he seems healthy. I am still a bit concerned cuz I still have no explanation for why these other cats are dying. ❓


          Whatever is making the cats sick could be a hazard to the people working there too. Especially if it’s a gas or fumes of some sort. Just a concern. 😯


            oooooh, Ski, thank goodness you were there for that poor little guy!! Wow! I’m so glad he came through, and very glad you’re keeping him! I hope the good luck continues…

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              I am glad the kitty is getting better. Its amazing how those little guys can rebound sometimes. I hope they find out what killed the other ones though!


                Yay!! You saved him. And he is sooooooo cute!! πŸ™‚


                  I wish you the best of luck. Reading this made me remember Kiara. She was found at about 4 days old and I had to go thru all the bottle feedings and help her go to the bathroom. You have to make sure the little one has at lesat 1 bowel movement a day. If you have never done it I will tell you it is not fun at all!! I had to stick a Q tip all the way in her but to get her to go.
                  She is almosr 8 1/2 now and I would not trade her for the world. My other 3 where MUCH older when I got them, but still kittens. Good Luck. It sounded to me like you where going to keep him??


                    He made it thru the night! Not only that, he is hissing and spitting. Yay. I am beginning to think its me…
                    He seemed healthy, and there is no way to lock up the dogs, so if this little kitty manages to bring them low, then it was meant to be. πŸ˜†

                    Thanks for all your well wishes. I atill cannot believe it lived.


                    This is great news, Ski! I’m glad Lazarus is recovering. Good for you!


                      What a cutie! I’m glad he is doing well: -)


                      Ha-sorry I missed this thread until now! I am so happy he is doing better, and when you take him to the vet, I can’t wait to find out what the vet says. I just don’t want your cat(s) to get any sickness from the new kitty!


                        Thank you guys! πŸ˜€ He is all better. I gave him a bath, too, cuz he had pooped himself during one of his cunvulsions the first day. Feeding a feral kitten is funny. They growl, claw, and hiss while they eat. Its like a vicious cotton ball. πŸ™„ Funny to watch, though.


                          Grrr! Fftt! Fftt! πŸ˜† I bet it has no problems with the dogs. πŸ˜‰ Are you able to handle it without getting torn up?


                            LOL I hope he comes around to you eventually! πŸ˜€

                            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                            -J R R Tolkien

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