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      Well, for the past 2 days, we’ve been the unvoluntary hosts of a couple of ducks! We put up the pool last spring, so I guess it was too early for them to notice then, but this year, they’re here.

      I’m not sure if they’ll stick around once we open the pool… In the meantime, I love it! They came to sleep here the last 2 nights. Tonight, they landed at suppertime, then left. Don’t know if they’ll come back. I hate it when they stay out late; what, no phone call or anything 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          I had a pet duck named one eye. He was hit by a car and the tire got the side of his face and took his right eye off. I was the only one who would put his medicine in his empty eye socket so he became my duck. I named him one eye but he was hit by another car a year later and didn’t make it.


          hah, we also have a pair of ducks that come to our pool almost every day in the spring! They have been coming for about 3 or 4 years!


            You could put some grain out for them if you really want them to hang around. 🙂


              We have a bird feeder and the grackles make a mess and through everything out on the ground, so the female had been pecking around a bit. I’ll keep that in mind.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                you would also have to clean up duck doo doo and that can be a mess


                If they do stick around that would be interesting. It would be kind of fun to share a pool with real rubber duckies 🙂


                  A couple years ago I had the garden hose out and was watering the garden when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see what it was, and a mated pair of ducks was standing there looking at me, waiting for their turn. So I put the hose setting on sprinkle, held it to flow over them and let them run through it a few times. The preened themselves and shook and drank out of the puddles. It was so sweet. They hung out for most of that summer after that and the female even laid a non-viable egg in the yard (she must have been really young). They were very nice house guests. 🙂


                    Ducks are cool! We have a pair that visits the pool across the street from us, then there are 3 more males that like to come play in the kiddy pool. =P Swans are MEAN tho….. 😯 I had one chase me around for like 15 min…and sat in ambush outside the door for like an hour….evil…


                      we had 2 swans at work and for some reason the approached me and liked me I have no idea why


                      Swans/geese are evil.

                      We had a pair of ducks that come around our neighbourhood as well. I thought they were going to charge at me, but then I fed them some food and they stayed a little bit but then went on their way.


                        geese aren’t evil! We had two we raised from babies, Fred and Ginger. They would follow you around and “talk” and eat out of your hand. The only bad thing is they poop like every five minutes 😯 We eventually gave them to the fruit barn for the petting zoo 😀


                        Well the ones that aren’t raised by someone are.


                          dragonessjade wrote:

                          Swans/geese are evil.

                          We had a pair of ducks that come around our neighbourhood as well. I thought they were going to charge at me, but then I fed them some food and they stayed a little bit but then went on their way.
                          We have Swans and Canadian Geese at work but I think the swans are now gone I have not seen them in a very long time. I hope they got a good home and yes Geese are very EVIL

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