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    emerald212 wrote:

    Yeah, he says darn-blasted too. He’s got a lot of swear words that aren’t swear words. My brother used to repeat them all as a kid, thinking he’d get by with it. He’d still get in trouble for it though.

    The cussing on those toons is just hilarious. I downloaded gigabytes’ worth from LimeWire, but there are still hundreds I haven’t seen. LimeWire just doesn’t seem to have any new ones uploaded now, though.


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Sorry for hijacking.

      It’s not hijacking, it’s exploring other avenues of thought. 😆


      😆 😆 Thanks, Silver.


      My grampa says “dad-gum” when he gets mad and its really funny to hear my kids say it. I think a great pose would be two dragons together with wings over each other and tails twisted like lovers. aaahhhh so romantic. 😳 😉


        Oh my… flap kitties would be stellar..


        What about a mother dragon curled around a dragon baby? Not an egg but an actual fledgling. Or one sitting or riding on her back? Aren’t there some birds that do that – have the baby ride on the back? Or opossums and apes give rides to their babies. Think about it – 2 dragons!


          I was at the Windstone Dealer again today and talking to the manager. He’d LOVE some more smaller dragons and PLEASE a dragon with it’s wings out!! I was also talking to him about the Secret Keeper and he’s pretty sure he could sell some at their current weight. He says they have a hard time keeping the Garden Dragons in stock and they’re pretty heavy too!!

          Other poses
          – More Flions
          – Flap Cat Kittens (The Cuteness!!)


            foxfeather wrote:

            I was at the Windstone Dealer again today and talking to the manager. He’d LOVE some more smaller dragons and PLEASE a dragon with it’s wings out!! I was also talking to him about the Secret Keeper and he’s pretty sure he could sell some at their current weight. He says they have a hard time keeping the Garden Dragons in stock and they’re pretty heavy too!!

            Other poses
            – More Flions
            – Flap Cat Kittens (The Cuteness!!)

            Yessss! More types of Flions!


              ddvm wrote:

              What about a mother dragon curled around a dragon baby? Not an egg but an actual fledgling. Or one sitting or riding on her back? Aren’t there some birds that do that – have the baby ride on the back? Or opossums and apes give rides to their babies. Think about it – 2 dragons!

              Loons (Minnesota’s state bird) have their babies ride on their backs in water. Cute!


              All of the above, please 8) In particular the wings out and/or standing dragon, two dragons together, flions and flap kittens sound great!


              ryliecat wrote:

              My grampa says “dad-gum” when he gets mad and its really funny to hear my kids say it. I think a great pose would be two dragons together with wings over each other and tails twisted like lovers. aaahhhh so romantic. 😳 😉

              OOOOH LOVE THAT ONE!


                I thought the full size Empress should have her wings open but was told they would be way to fragile that way and would break too easily


                  Yeah, due to the type of Material Windstones are made of, there can’t really be anything fragile sticking out…like wings or legs that aren’t sculpted against the body… 🙁 Melody has said that she wishes she could sculpt something with legs too!

                  I would love pieces that interact with each other more – the family sets are great, but each piece is also so stand-aloneish… it would be so cool to have a pair of dragons (or whatever) that were sculpted to intertwine, like a mated pair, or two dragons fighting…

                  And I am TOTALLY jumping on the bandwagon for the flap cat kittens!!
                  ……(baby poads 😯 )

                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                  -J R R Tolkien


                  Baby Poads! Squeak! Though I don’t know how that would work if they’re all female. Maybe they reproduce like hermaphrodite earthworms?


                    It would be impossible to do, but I’d like to see something like the OW with hi wings stretched out…or the Emperor…that dude looks like he’s got some serious wingage going on, all folded and neat. Or, realistically, nice color prints of them in un-sculpt-able positions

                    heck, I’d like to see the Unicorn and Dragon gargoyles twice their size cast in cement. If they were cheap enough ($100 or under) I’d buy several of each and put them to their REAL use! I finally FINALLY got my Unicorn gargoyle the other day, from a store that *gasp* still had one…I’m so in love with her after seeing her again in person. I’d buy more of her if I could; indoor gargoyles ^_^

                    Or maybe…*brain gets to working* something similar to the grand unicorn, only in a fighting pose…a black and a white. The male pegasi work well together to stand them facing eachother like they’re challanging one another…unicorns like that would be cool too 🙂

                    *SQUEAK* FLAP KITTENS!!

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