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    Ok, so I am in love with Dragon Gobies! I do, I just love to watch them eat and swim! I had a 10 inch Goby a couple years ago, and when I moved I lost him along with all of my other fishes. 🙁
    A few weeks ago, I bought this emaciated hang faced Dragon Gobie at Petsmart. He was and is still just over 9 inches long. I hoped he would make it, but usually when they are this big, and that skinny, there is about a 50% chance, or so I have found out. He didn’t come out of hiding for the first couple of weeks when I was looking for him during feeding. I was honestly ready to find a “floater” eventually. But this morning he came out! He began to eat right along the front of the glass instead of me having to put food right infront of where he resides. He is much thicker now than he was, so it means he’s been eating something, and all my other fish are still around, so that is good. 😀 Also, his fins are back to their pretty full selves as he was sort of ragged when I got him.
    I just wanted to post a pic for people who might like fish, especially the rare or exotic types like myself. Oh, I like Bala Sharks and silver tipped sharks too, and other easily aquired fsh, but this guy takes the cake for me!

    I tried to get a pic of his large mouth and some of his little needle teeth in the last photo. Plus the best photo is the yellowy one, but his colors are all off. He is actually that pretty shade of silvery blue with green in the last 2 photos.


      I’ve never heard of Dragon Gobies… He’s an interesting little critter!

      twindragonsmum 8)



        He’s cool looking! I’m glad he’s showing signs of improvement. 😀


        He is very cool-looking! I thought he looked like a newly-hatched alien from “Alien.” I’m glad he’s improving; like TDM, I had never heard of Dragon Gobies either.


          Those guys are soooo awesome!!! Great rescue! I’m sure he’ll get nice and fat and happy under your TLC!


            Very neat!!


              I’ve seen these guys at walmart before. They’ve always peeked my interest.


              Kujacker wrote:

              I’ve seen these guys at walmart before. They’ve always peeked my interest.

              That’s where I got my first one. Lately though there has been a bunch of soap poisonings at the Walmarts in this area, so they haven’t had many fish…Then there are always the ones who let the ick get so bad that there is no chance of survival. He just looked ragged, and beat up a bit, really skinny. He’s begun to stand up to Casper’s insistent prods and pokes when he is feeding. Koi don’t worry about the other guy, they only worry about themselves. He usually eats enough he sinks to the bottom and doesn’t move for an hour or so. 😆 He’s my blimp. 😉 They all seem to get along rather well with eachother, which makes me happy. No one is big enough or hungry enough to eat anyone else. 😀


                What kind of soap poisonings? lol@ blimp. That’s cute. 😀

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