
DragonVale (iOS game)

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    (disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Backflip Studios, who created the DragonVale game)

    But having said that, this is one of my other addictions. I played with the DragonCave game on the web for about two years before becoming too bored with it for the most part. For those who enjoy the breeding & collecting aspects of Dragon Cave though, and who have an Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), you might want to look at the free game DragonVale. It’s yet another of the “build and maintain a zoo” type games, but yes, it’s entirely dragon centric. It’s based on the “freemium” model; that is, the game itself is free, you can play it for as long as you like for free, and there are no ads. But if you have no patience, you’ve always got the option of buying gems (with real cash) to speed things up.

    A couple of pluses:
    -Like DragCave, you’re not constantly having to feed dragons or clean up after them.
    -Unlike some farm type games, your critters don’t get sick, bored, etc. if you ignore them for a few days.
    -Breeding produces some neat combinations. Some hybrids are rarer than others, etc.
    -There are lots of relatively easy to achieve goals that provide bonuses to help you along the way.
    -It’s suitable for all ages; younger kids may get bored though.
    -It’s a relatively new game (last September, I think), but they’re updating regularly and frequently adding new dragons both for holidays and just in general to the game. Since just Christmas, they’ve added five, all hybrids you can breed to get. Today they added one for Valentine’s Day, giving people about two weeks to breed one.

    A minus or two:
    -At this time, there’s no gifting of dragons or decorations to friends. So if you have an extra rainbow dragon egg, you can’t send it to someone else.
    -Gems can be hard to get in the early levels; there are ways to deal with this without resorting to spending cash. But spending cash is TEMPTING…
    -Which, BTW, is why if you have kids playing this game, you may want to turn off in app purchases.
    -It does require Internet access via wifi or 3G, and you do need to use Game Center for it to work. And it’s not yet available for Android…

    My best friend and I got hooked by this game in November; I’ve rarely played an online game consistently for this long, but this one’s held my interest (and hers). Since it’s free in the iTunes App store, I figured I’d throw it out there in case others might be interested.


      Oh jeez. I just got an iphone, and now I see this. I’ve downloaded five apps already, but no games…and I *really* don’t need another addiction. XD I squandered soooo much $ on Gaia back in the day…*smacks self* XD XD Oh nooess~


      LOL–you really CAN play this one without spending real money. You need a bit of patience, but it can be done. If you add friends in Game Center that also play, you can send gems (which speed things up) to each other daily, and it doesn’t cost. I added just a few from Facebook and that helped. (I’m on Game Center under, you guessed it, joliesdragons.) As you level up, save up for a stadium and enter dragons in tournaments. You’re guaranteed at least one gem from that each day, and if you take first place, you get five.

      Having said that, we won’t discuss just exactly how much I have spent…except to say my best friend’s even worse. 😉

      There’s also a useful wiki on the web at http://dragonvale.wikia.com that will help you work out the various breeding combinations to get specific dragons without having to spend gems to buy them.


        A couple of weeks ago I had downloaded the game only to realize (after) that I needed a Game Center account. Game Center will not let me change my username to something other then my email address, thus it was deleted. 🙁

        That irritated me to no end! 😛


        A couple of weeks ago I had downloaded the game only to realize (after) that I needed a Game Center account. Game Center will not let me change my username to something other then my email address, thus it was deleted. 🙁

        That irritated me to no end! 😛

        Weird–and agreed, totally irritating. But as someone who routinely jailbreaks her devices because Apple does things I hate, or inefficiently, or just plain stupidly–yeah, nothing they do that doesn’t work right comes as a surprise anymore!

        FWIW–a little digging on Google produced this from a gaming forum. No idea if it’s of use. GC is NOT intuitive, and I avoid it like the plague otherwise, but DragonVale was too fun and too “me” to pass up:

        You Dont need to make another iTunes Account !! All you have to do it tap on your iTunes account name in Game Center, then Edit Profile info, then scroll down to where you Game Center username is, and you can change your name from there. i changed my Game Center name from GazaIan to OldAccount (because i cant make any purchases with it.)


          I went to the Apple store and did some reading. Your email address is not made public, even though that is your Apple ID. You get to choose a public nickname linked to your Apple ID (email). Why they couldn’t make this clear on the log in is beyond me. The last thing I’m going to do is type my email address where it says username. 😛

          I may give it another try. 🙂


            And it’s not yet available for Android…

            frownie face 🙁 It sounds like a fun game though! I don’t normally play online games either (although I did get quite addicted to Pack Rat on Facebook a few years ago)


              OK, I’m in! :bigsmile: Like I need another game… Im already hooked on Dream Zoo. 😛

              I will need to send you my email address (which is totally fine, I just wasn’t going to post it out there for the world to see).

              Anyone else? Just let me know! 🙂


              OK, I’m in! :bigsmile: Like I need another game… Im already hooked on Dream Zoo. 😛

              I will need to send you my email address (which is totally fine, I just wasn’t going to post it out there for the world to see).

              Anyone else? Just let me know! 🙂

              Welcome to the madness! 🙂

              You shouldn’t need to send your email to anyone. Open Game Center, click on Requests, then on the + sign on the top right. In the address field, type in joliesdragons & hit send (or whatever, I’m doing this from memory. I should get the request in a few minutes, I’ll approve it, then you’ll be able to see me under your friends in DragonVale. (you may need to close and reopen either app, or restart your device, depending on how moody GC’s servers are.)


                OK, totally addicted to this now. Cutest little baby dragons ever! :bigsmile:

                If anyone wants to jump in, my username is Ang_Evans.

                My co-workers simply think I check my email… a lot! LOL.


                OK, totally addicted to this now. Cutest little baby dragons ever! :bigsmile:

                If anyone wants to jump in, my username is Ang_Evans.

                My co-workers simply think I check my email… a lot! LOL.

                Yay, you got a Valentine! I was a little worried you wouldn’t have the time. They’re adorable, but my favorite is still the Moon Dragon.

                And yes, totally addicting, especially in the early levels. Once you get to the point where money’s less of a problem, you only end up checking a few times a day instead of constantly. LOL

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