
Dragons in New Colors

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    Yeah! All of the above! Rough cost estimate, $3000.


      I really had better things to do with my time, but, er…. I did this anyhow.

      Dragon colors chart

      Tell me if I missed anything!


      Ooooo More dragons in the new colors!!! Melody, no offense, but I am glad you never got around to doing the whole family in rainbow…(Including the lap, warrior, and scratching)
      But then again, everyone’s taste is different, what isn’t my cup of tea might be someone else’s! 😆 I hated the Brown when I was younger, but now have mother, father, young, and hatching in it. I wish I would have gotte that Brown Emporer for $175 back in ’94 at that little shop, that I can’t even remember the name of since it’s been so long ago. 😕 Sometimers…..


        I like the rainbow cuz its as close to pink as im gonna get 🙁


          skigod377 wrote:

          I like the rainbow cuz its as close to pink as im gonna get 🙁

          Awwwwww….poor Ski… 😀


          Well Ski, Just cuz you did me a solid, I will do you one. Since I have your address…Would you mind if I paint you a pink whatever (Dragon Griffin or Kirin)and just send it to you ❓ I didn’t like the dragons in rainbow because they all looked like they were wearing goggles or masks… 😆


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            Well Ski, Just cuz you did me a solid, I will do you one. Since I have your address…Would you mind if I paint you a pink whatever (Dragon Griffin or Kirin)and just send it to you ❓ I didn’t like the dragons in rainbow because they all looked like they were wearing goggles or masks… 😆

            HAHA! No, its perfectly ok. Frozen has provided me with a beautiful pink family. I think I just pester for pink out of habit now. I still would like to see a big dragon (Like the scratcher in Miss Melodys’ gallery) in pink, in person, but who knows if that will ever come to pass. Maybe she will do the fledges or curlies in that color.


            I like the scratcher in pinky peach myself, even my mum loved it! So you’re not alone on that, skigod. XD


              Algy wrote:

              I like the scratcher in pinky peach myself, even my mum loved it! So you’re not alone on that, skigod. XD

              I think lots could like that color. Its not toooo pink, you know? Not the cutsie, sickening pink that everyone (But me:) dislikes. Hear that Miss Melody?? Another vote for the pink!!! 😛


                skigod377 wrote:

                Algy wrote:

                I like the scratcher in pinky peach myself, even my mum loved it! So you’re not alone on that, skigod. XD

                I think lots could like that color. Its not toooo pink, you know? Not the cutsie, sickening pink that everyone (But me:) dislikes. Hear that Miss Melody?? Another vote for the pink!!! 😛

                I could go with a pinky peach…


                skigod377 wrote:

                I think lots could like that color. Its not toooo pink, you know? Not the cutsie, sickening pink that everyone (But me:) dislikes. Hear that Miss Melody?? Another vote for the pink!!! 😛

                Yeah, it’s soft almost pastel and looks great with the green eye!


                  I would buy a peachy-pink one, too. It’s like a seashell:)


                    SPark wrote:


                    Tell me if I missed anything!

                    How about black gold?


                      laphon1 wrote:

                      SPark wrote:


                      Tell me if I missed anything!

                      How about black gold?

                      Hee hee hee. Oops! Good catch. I didn’t even see that, and I just ordered some for stock.


                        laphon1 wrote:

                        SPark wrote:


                        Tell me if I missed anything!

                        How about black gold?

                        Oops! I knew there had to be something else on there!

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