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      So is anyone going to Dragon*Con this year?


      It’s the largest fantasy / sci-fi convention on the East Coast. They estimate over 30,000 people will attend. It’s a lot of fun! I know that there will be a dealer selling a huge selection of Windstones at this convention. He had a ton last year, more than any storefront I’ve been to.

      I’ll be there along with my mysterious guest, Vantid! Vantid will be free as a werebanana to come an go as she pleases, but I’ll be ‘chained’ to a table, both showing and selling my work in the Art Show.

      I’d be happy to meet anyone that wants to stop by! I can’t promise I won’t be busy but don’t let that deter you from at least saying hello. 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          Ahh man, now this makes me want to find away to go. I haven’t been in soooo long.


          Is this one only in the East? It looks really cool.


          i just looked at the web site. i want to go. ggrrrr.


            It’ll depend alot on the current situation with us moving…I’d love to try to come though. 😀


              I have lived in FL for 9 years but before that I lived in Atlanta (well Roswell anyhow) for about 10 years and don’t remember hearing about this when I lived there is this something recent? Sounds great – I’ll have to think about it


                darjeb wrote:

                I have lived in FL for 9 years but before that I lived in Atlanta (well Roswell anyhow) for about 10 years and don’t remember hearing about this when I lived there is this something recent? Sounds great – I’ll have to think about it

                The first one was in 1987, so you just missed one while in the area. It was pretty dinky compared to what it is now. (I haven’t been there, but I checked the history.)


                  darjeb wrote:

                  I have lived in FL for 9 years but before that I lived in Atlanta (well Roswell anyhow) for about 10 years and don’t remember hearing about this when I lived there is this something recent? Sounds great – I’ll have to think about it

                  Dragon*Con started in 1987, so yes, and it’s a huge huge event! It nearly shuts down downtown Atlanta and in face the parade shuts down traffic each year. I live near Roswell so I know where you were at.

                  I may have some Windstones there myself, and possibly some cards (like the Poad™ cards), John and I are still discussing this possibility.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Is this one only in the East? It looks really cool.

                    Yes, Dragon*Con only happens once every year, and always in the same place (Atlanta) 🙂
                    It’s a lot of fun.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    I’d love too, but I’ll be going to Anime Weekend Atlanta later that month. :/ And I’m looking forward to that with my friend, Celesse.

                    Maybe next year!


                      Vantid? how did you manage to snag her? last i heard she was traveling.

                      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                      Engaged to a Weasel


                        BiPolarBear wrote:

                        Vantid? how did you manage to snag her? last i heard she was traveling.

                        I have powers.

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          The one year I can’t go and Brent Spiner decides to show up *le sigh*


                            The one time I got to go to Dragon*Con (1998) was the one year they didn’t get to have it their “normal” Labor Day weekend, but in July instead. I had a blast and have always wanted to go back, just never could afford to. Also at that time you could buy a 1-, 2-, 3- or 4-day membership online rather than just the 4-day online and the others at the door. I still have my tie-dyed/air-brushed t-shirt but boy is it looking ragged.

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