Dragon87 poetry

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    Phoenix posted something earlier in the community forum and I thought about some of the poetry that I wrote last year, a couple of years ago, that area. I never plan to publish this stuff (it’s pretty dark, there’s the one that’s entertaining that I wrote on a dare)… I will post a new one every once in a while… let’s start with entertaining..

    It’s about math, I wrote it when I was pissed off at calculus.

    Imaginary System

    What is the use,
    of learning derivatives,
    second derivatives?
    What use will any of us have
    for arc length or integrated areas?
    Sequences, series, parametric equations
    can’t solve the meaning of life
    An entire science,
    Dare I call it that?
    Based upon this man-made system
    of numbers and variables
    how can it possibly be accurate?
    Rise brothers and sisters!
    Rise against the tyranny
    of x, y, and z!
    Fight back against this imaginary system
    forced unto us by our elders!
    How can we even accept as absolute truth
    the abstract system of calculus,
    figment of another man’s imagination?

    I was reeeeealy bored that day, can you tell? 😛


    I thoroughly enjoyed that.



      I can SO relate to that!
      Imaginary numbers. Ewwwwww. I think I was bald at the end of that chapter. Kept pulling out my hair 😈




          I hate Hate HATED calculus. The only reason I even took the class in high school (didn’t need it as I had all my math requirements already) was because my mom wanted me to. UGG! 👿 I was the only non AP student in the AP class because I wasn’t paying good money for an exam I knew I wouldn’t do well enough on to get college credit for. My mom later told me that she wishes she hadn’t made me take the class as it brought my GPA down.


          I liked high school calculus. I liked that I got really well on the AP program. BUT the college I started out at didn’t take it for credit! That teed me off. So I threw off their curve with an A+ in the course I shouldn’t have had to take. 😈 And then I got the prof who hadn’t heard of it in trouble. I hated that guy….

          (The teacher who taught me the AP, her husband was on the board of directors at the college) My dad told them, honest!


            😆 That poem brings back memories…or is it nightmares??? 😯


            I am way too math retarded to do calcullus .. heck i probably even spelled it wrong


            Necron99 wrote:

            I am way too math retarded to do calcullus .. heck i probably even spelled it wrong

            Yup! And I like your siggie, it sounds like something I want to say to some people (not on here!)

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