
Dragon of Winter Solstice

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    Well, I don’t have any PYO stuff to show yet *sad* but I am accomplishing lots on my digital paint work. I’ve got a big new update to my winter solstice dragon painting:

    Almost ready for the snow, background, and yet more detailing/washes! Can’t wait! πŸ™‚



    That is so totally awesome! I love it! Nice work πŸ˜€


      How cute!


      Thanks guys. ^_^

      I’m thinking I should just make life easy on myself and copy and paste that same snow-laden tree all over the background. Think anyone would notice?? πŸ˜†


        Probably πŸ˜† These guys notice everything!


        Same here. πŸ˜‰ But I mean, I could flip them horizontal, change em up a bit… maybe put in a few upside down…


        How about creating 2 or 3 trees then mixing them up? That’s what they did with the penguins in Happy Feet – they had a few different ones then multiplied them and mixed them up. That way every tree wouldn’t be exactly the same.


        *chuckles* That’s a GREAT idea but, naw, I’ll be painting them all individually, as usual. I’m obsessive that way. *laughs*


          Ooh, nice artwork. Does the dragon have a fancy name?


          That’s really cute!


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Ooh, nice artwork. Does the dragon have a fancy name?

          Not yet, sadly, but I am working on it. πŸ™‚


            Is it a character in a writing by any chance?


            Actually, no, this one is not (yet) but probably one day. πŸ™‚

            Speaking of ‘writings’, I still need to read the rest of your novel starter… d’oh! Busy busy… maybe this weekend!


              I-m going to update it on FicWad again tomorrow. I opted to work on it a lot more yesterday rather than watch The Mummy in French. πŸ˜€

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