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      PhoenixTears wrote:

      ^^^ Mae- I just cracked your signature gray 😀

      ps: hey! when did they add the descriptions under names based on post count?! I just noticed Im a Chatty Windstonian… which makes sense for me. Off to see what they call GB!
      GB and Ski are Royalty


      Maebnus3 wrote:

      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      Why do you freeze them? Just because they’re cute? 😆

      Yep, pretty much. I’m collecting one of each color in adult and hatchling stages. It was going well until TJ let the colors have both genders… I don’t have the patience to collect both genders of all colors. What I get is what I’ll have… except for Silver. I still want one of each gender, in both adult and hatchling stages, since they’re different. That’s been killing me (no luck getting even one Male so far).

      So once they’re frozen you can’t do anything with them right? I mean not that you can do much with adults you can breed them but so far mine won’t breed


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        So once they’re frozen you can’t do anything with them right? I mean not that you can do much with adults you can breed them but so far mine won’t breed

        Well, you can still name them (or kill them, but that’s no fun). And if you freeze a hatchling as a baby, it can still grow into Adolescence (wings or whatnot) even while frozen. It just won’t become an Adult (who gets to do naughty things ;))

        You can tell if a Hatchling is frozen if you look at the description page too. It won’t come out and say FROZEN, though it’ll be missing the line that says how long they have to grow up before they die.

        Breeding is random, so don’t worry about it not working. Just try again next week.


        I don’t understand about killing them but it says you can revive them? I don’t know why you’d kill them just to try and revive them… some people said something about getting an ‘undead’ dragon? But what if it doesn’t work and then they’re just dead forever. I don’t want to take the chance… maybe when I have more to spare lol


          tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

          I don’t understand about killing them but it says you can revive them? I don’t know why you’d kill them just to try and revive them… some people said something about getting an ‘undead’ dragon? But what if it doesn’t work and then they’re just dead forever. I don’t want to take the chance… maybe when I have more to spare lol

          Yeah, the whole “staying dead” thing is the problem. You have one chance to revive a dead dragon. If it doesn’t work, they stay dead (from what I’ve heard anyway… that much seems to be all that’s “allowed” to be spoken of). And nobody is sharing the secret, if there is one, to have a better chance at making zombies. 😡

          If curious, these are the Undead dragons:

          I don’t have them, but that’s what they look like.


          Hmm so it’s like breeding kind of (except you can try breeding again the next week) you can try to revive them and it might say no? Is that an adult and a hatchling? So if they do revive are they automatically undead or can they come back to be normal?


            I haven’t attempted it yet, so can’t tell you what message might show, but I’m sure it says something about failing to revive your dead dragon.

            And all I can do is assume that they’re automatically Undead if you revive them. I haven’t heard anyone say they’ve been successful at revival and they have a live dragon. But since it’s so “hush-hush”, who knows. I tire of the secrecy.


              SORRY TO REPORT!!


              Mae- I just caused your gray dragon to hatch! Ive caused several to crack but this is the first one Ive clicked on that Ive brought out of its shell! Yay!

              My four only have about 3 days left so please click them all!!!


                Sorry to have to report


                  I have been having a hard time with the site loading, it takes forever if it loads at all. I am so sad my babies died. 🙁 My other ones are running out of time too.


                    You did get one adult though he is in the adult thread


                    “Weve all hatched and now need to grow up!”

                    Im so pleased they all hatched and that the water dragon is growing fins (he has the least amount of time left though).

                    Thanks for clicking everyone and keep it going!


                      I’m sure you will be OK!! My 2 Green ones matured and grew up within hours and I was a nervous WRECK!! I have not lost a dragon yet and hope to keep it that way!!

                      WOW I just joined the RACKS of ROYAL CHATTY WINDSTONIAN!! With this post!!


                      I just picked up a poor abandoned guy:

                      Give him some loving.

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