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      khat7 wrote:

      Congrats DM on the new Adults. Just in the nick of time πŸ˜€

      Thank you everyone I have no more eggs or hatchers and I’m only trying for the ones I do not have yet


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        You know how you can tell an egg is hatching because it will crack and start to get a hole- is there a way to tell a baby dragon is growing up? People talk about them getting wings but I haven’t noticed the description on mine or the picture change or anything..

        I believe ALL of them will mention something in the description about being bigger. But here’s what happens physically: the Mint just gets a little bigger (not very noticeable), the Dinos almost double in size (their head ridges are more prominent too), the Blue’s tail gets more spikes, the Plant gets red flower buds (berries, whatever), and the Silvers show their gender (pink/blue frills). All others grow wings (the two-headed also becomes all one shade along with the wings).


          I’d missed those little touches on mine…cool! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


          Maebnus3 wrote:

          tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

          You know how you can tell an egg is hatching because it will crack and start to get a hole- is there a way to tell a baby dragon is growing up? People talk about them getting wings but I haven’t noticed the description on mine or the picture change or anything..

          I believe ALL of them will mention something in the description about being bigger. But here’s what happens physically: the Mint just gets a little bigger (not very noticeable), the Dinos almost double in size (their head ridges are more prominent too), the Blue’s tail gets more spikes, the Plant gets red flower buds (berries, whatever), and the Silvers show their gender (pink/blue frills). All others grow wings (the two-headed also becomes all one shade along with the wings).

          Cool! There are so many different ones that I haven’t even noticed them changing. Or anything in the description. What do you mean by the mint? By the plant do you mean the one with the thorns?


            tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

            Cool! There are so many different ones that I haven’t even noticed them changing. Or anything in the description. What do you mean by the mint? By the plant do you mean the one with the thorns?

            Mints are the fluorescent/bright green. Plant is the one with the vines/thorns/flowers. If you look on my scroll Tannim is a mint and Antirrhinum is a plant.


            So are both shadow dancer and shadow weaver the silvers and then what about the purples, pinks, spotteds, and whites? I’m not sure if the categories you gave with what happens to them fit all the dragons or you were just giving a couple examples πŸ˜€


              Shadow dancer and Shadow Weaver are the “Fog/Grey” dragon, not Silvers. I haven’t gotten a hold of a silver egg just yet. If you read the descriptions on the pages for each dragon there’s the generic description that every dragon has and then there’s also a paragraph that is specific to that particular breed of dragon.


                is my current Silver egg, and it says something about having a metallic sheen, though I don’t think the “new” colorings make it look very metallic at all. The new Gold at least looks like it’s supposed to be shiny, while the Silver is drab and just looks like a dirty white. The babies remind me of baby birds… kinda funny lookin’, but look nice once the “feathers” (pink/blue frills) start comin’ in. I don’t think anyone in the Hatchery post has a Silver baby right now… can’t tell, 4 of them won’t load for me right now.

                The spotted eggs are all Dinos (blue-Triceratops, red-Stegosaurus, yellow-Brontosaurus, green-Parasaurolophus). White eggs are just white dragons, unless you mean the white with lines, then it’s Paper… or the Silver, which looks like White, but isn’t… πŸ™„ Nevermind the gray-shades: Silver, Gray (someone has one -Khat maybe? I can’t get ’em to load), and Stone (in my sig). I understand completely why so many people have trouble keeping them straight.

                With the physical descriptions I gave, those will always apply to ALL of that particular breed. So all Blues/Water will always get spiky before growing up, all Plant/Vine will always get flowers/berries before growing up, etc. Though sometimes they go through the adolescent stage so quickly, you might not notice those changes.

                I get bored easily, so I’ve saved all the pictures and practically have the descriptions memorized, so I don’t think about it much when I’m talking about one of them. I know what I’m talking about, so why aren’t you reading my mind?? πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰ (actually, it’s probably safer that way…)

                I can tell you what any of the dragons say, at any stage, if you’d like to know. I don’t see any point in keeping those things “secret”, since it’s really not difficult to piece it all together, assuming you’ve seen all the stages. It’s just the Undead dragons that I think should be kept a secret (though I wish someone would blab to me!); it’s obvious a dragon has to die, but I don’t want to experiment to find out exactly how death & revival needs to occur to get one.

                I sincerely hope that all made sense. I can’t tell. It’s 330am. I’m gonna go finish watching The Golden Compass and go to sleep.


                Thanks! I checked mine again and they seem to say the same things every time while they are babies. I was looking at the first page of the hatchery for babies that are the same as mine but growing spikes or something and don’t see any. Maybe I’m just blind lol πŸ˜† I don’t really want to kill a dragon to try to have it undead… that doesn’t make any sense to me..?


                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  Thanks! I checked mine again and they seem to say the same things every time while they are babies. I was looking at the first page of the hatchery for babies that are the same as mine but growing spikes or something and don’t see any. Maybe I’m just blind lol πŸ˜† I don’t really want to kill a dragon to try to have it undead… that doesn’t make any sense to me..?

                  Yeah, all yours are still babies. If you check my scroll, you can see the next stages of all 4 of your dragons. All of the hatchlings on my scroll are in the adolescent stage (right before adulthood). All are frozen, except the Mint (right below the Blue Dino), so they won’t ever grow up.


                  ^^^ Mae- I just cracked your signature gray πŸ˜€

                  ps: hey! when did they add the descriptions under names based on post count?! I just noticed Im a Chatty Windstonian… which makes sense for me. Off to see what they call GB!


                  Maebnus3 wrote:

                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  Thanks! I checked mine again and they seem to say the same things every time while they are babies. I was looking at the first page of the hatchery for babies that are the same as mine but growing spikes or something and don’t see any. Maybe I’m just blind lol πŸ˜† I don’t really want to kill a dragon to try to have it undead… that doesn’t make any sense to me..?

                  Yeah, all yours are still babies. If you check my scroll, you can see the next stages of all 4 of your dragons. All of the hatchlings on my scroll are in the adolescent stage (right before adulthood). All are frozen, except the Mint (right below the Blue Dino), so they won’t ever grow up.

                  Why do you freeze them? Just because they’re cute? πŸ˜†

                  Thanks for all the help! πŸ˜€


                  Hey I went and looked at yours and saw the wings and how they look πŸ™‚ Thanks!!


                    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                    Why do you freeze them? Just because they’re cute? πŸ˜†

                    Yep, pretty much. I’m collecting one of each color in adult and hatchling stages. It was going well until TJ let the colors have both genders… I don’t have the patience to collect both genders of all colors. What I get is what I’ll have… except for Silver. I still want one of each gender, in both adult and hatchling stages, since they’re different. That’s been killing me (no luck getting even one Male so far).


                      You also have NO way to tell if the EGG you are picking up will be male or famale. For example yuu can pick up orange egss from now until the end of time and get all one sex

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