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    I think I did get them all. But will go back again and make sure.
    In the meantime, I think I have the eggs correctly in the signature line, so let’s see. 😉



      THEY HATCHED!!! :3


      I have decided to give dragon raising a try! Please help me raise my dragons!


      HEY! I need someone to add my newly hatched egg to whatever page they gather at so it can get clicks and grow up! It just hatched!!!


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      HEY! I need someone to add my newly hatched egg to whatever page they gather at so it can get clicks and grow up! It just hatched!!!

      Just PM new eggs to Dragonmaster. He’ll add it to the hatchery ( I think he’s already got it)


      khat7 wrote:

      PhoenixTears wrote:

      HEY! I need someone to add my newly hatched egg to whatever page they gather at so it can get clicks and grow up! It just hatched!!!

      Just PM new eggs to Dragonmaster. He’ll add it to the hatchery ( I think he’s already got it)

      Godfather has always seemed to be able to do it when I mention it in threads but if I PM a code, the egg shows up. What other “code” am I supposed to email him- know what I mean? Cause he can just click the egg and get the addy off the browser, pop it into a page and the egg would show.

      I know there are several codes we can choose from but if I use the code for DM that I use in my signature, a blue egg will simply appear to him making it no different than when I ask and he does it from the thread. Make any sense? Hey, Im punchy from a long day yesterday, no sleep and it’s 630am 🙂


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      khat7 wrote:

      PhoenixTears wrote:

      HEY! I need someone to add my newly hatched egg to whatever page they gather at so it can get clicks and grow up! It just hatched!!!

      Just PM new eggs to Dragonmaster. He’ll add it to the hatchery ( I think he’s already got it)

      Godfather has always seemed to be able to do it when I mention it in threads but if I PM a code, the egg shows up. What other “code” am I supposed to email him- know what I mean? Cause he can just click the egg and get the addy off the browser, pop it into a page and the egg would show.

      I know there are several codes we can choose from but if I use the code for DM that I use in my signature, a blue egg will simply appear to him making it no different than when I ask and he does it from the thread. Make any sense? Hey, Im punchy from a long day yesterday, no sleep and it’s 630am 🙂

      Your code for your signature is the right one. Confusing I know 😀 He can just use the quote option and copy the eggover to the list.
      That threw me off to the first time I did it 😆


      Yay! My blue egg hatched into the swimming dragon I hoped it would be! Can you add it to front page or wherever? <3


        DM’s eggs and hatchers!!

        These guys are starting to run out of time and have not even started to mature!


        I matured your green one! yay!



          I have not lost one yet and I hope to keep that record in tack!!

          They are now both mature so some one matured the blue one too!
          DM’s eggs and hatchers!!


          DM, I never forget to click your dragons or eggs. After all, youre the Godfather!


          Congrats DM on the new Adults. Just in the nick of time 😀



          You know how you can tell an egg is hatching because it will crack and start to get a hole- is there a way to tell a baby dragon is growing up? People talk about them getting wings but I haven’t noticed the description on mine or the picture change or anything..


            Som eget wings but some do not it depends on th which dragon it is
            My Dino’s just grew up and all they did to mature was get a little bigger
            Now I have no babies since my last one jsut grew up

            DM’s eggs and hatchers!!

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