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    khat7 wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Can someone briefly explain how this all works? I always click on people’s eggs and see how it says they’ll die if they don’t grow up in x amount of days and then when I click ‘get your own’ there aren’t any. There was one a few minutes ago but then I registered and it was gone but it asked me if I wanted a scroll…?

    You can PM me the code so I can add your egg to the hatchery if you would like to.
    I’m monitering the hatchery so all the eggs wil be in one thread for everyone to click. After so many clicks and days the eggs hatch then after so many days and clicks the hatchlings grow up. You have tioe have a Scroll to keep track of your dragons. If your eggs does not make it the a hatchling you will have a 1/2 egg shell on your scroll and it you hatchling dioes you get a RIP headstone.
    If you get too many views compared to clicks your eggs can end up very soft and die and if you hatchers get too many views VS clicks they will get sick and can die

    I might have missed something but I think that is about it in a nut shell
    EXCEPT the cave used to have eggs in the hour but now seems to have more eggs thru the hour then before

    Once you’ve registered (gotten a scroll) you can go to the forum and check the “siickies” for all the info you need on eggs, hatchers and what to do with them 😉

    Hmm so I have an egg but no scroll- I need to go get a scroll?


      You shouldn’t have been able to get an egg if you weren’t registered or signed in to the site. 😕


      pegasi1978 wrote:

      You shouldn’t have been able to get an egg if you weren’t registered or signed in to the site. 😕

      When you go to “Enter the Cave” click where it says
      you have started a scroll and it should open yours

      OR if you have logged off click on get yours and you should be able to log back on to your scroll and see it. You can not pick up eggs unless you have a scroll

      Be sure and go to their forum and check out the pinned topics too.


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      Thanks Khat! I use a couple computers and click every single egg/dragon I see several times a day. I just cracked Barrdwing’s blue egg 😀

      site wont allow me to take on more than 4. Each time I try, it says I don’t want to over whelm myself 🙄

      I want COLOR! I have twin greens yes, but I want more vibrance like purple or pink… something bright.

      I thought you could once per computer per day and have it count.

      The additional eggs are from people who have male and females and breed them. You are allowed to have four eggs and/or hatchlings at a time plus one more from breeding. Mine shows an extra silver at the moment because I abandoned one. I actually have one hatchling and four eggs. Two of my eggs are from breeding.

      If you have any questions read the pinned topics here

      It explains it all nicely 😆


      My new eggs, my silver might be abandoned…..


      Here’s my current eggs:

      My hatchlings:


      I’m going to post eggs and click here until dragonmaster is back. After he’s back and can place them at the top I’m going to remove them from here so their still easier to keep track of. 😀 And so this thread doesn’t gei impossibly long ! 😆
      He’s Baa..ack


      My purple egg hatched!

      pink hatchling

      rock egg

      green egg

      little egg (which is cracking!)

      please help them all grow up! 😀


      mine are cracking! XD sorry, these are my first eggs, so I am very excited ^_^


      I am getting more frustrated by the minute. I have followed all the instructions I could find, verified the account, logged into and out of that site, and when I get to the cave entrance, and click on get mine, once I get to the log in page and enter my info, I get invalid username/password, or account may have been disabled. Yet the same info gets me into their forums. What am I doing wrong??? *bangs head on desk repeatedly*


      Got a new egg!


      tasgrs wrote:

      I am getting more frustrated by the minute. I have followed all the instructions I could find, verified the account, logged into and out of that site, and when I get to the cave entrance, and click on get mine, once I get to the log in page and enter my info, I get invalid username/password, or account may have been disabled. Yet the same info gets me into their forums. What am I doing wrong??? *bangs head on desk repeatedly*

      those more experienced may correct me, but I think the forum and the actual dragon-cave thing are separate, meaning that you need a different log-in for each one… you may have signed up for the forum and not the cave.
      Did you go to the cave entrance and click “take one” and then register there?


      cryptarch wrote:

      tasgrs wrote:

      I am getting more frustrated by the minute. I have followed all the instructions I could find, verified the account, logged into and out of that site, and when I get to the cave entrance, and click on get mine, once I get to the log in page and enter my info, I get invalid username/password, or account may have been disabled. Yet the same info gets me into their forums. What am I doing wrong??? *bangs head on desk repeatedly*

      those more experienced may correct me, but I think the forum and the actual dragon-cave thing are separate, meaning that you need a different log-in for each one…

      You do need a different registration for the cave than the forum

      When you get to the cave entrance select “take one”
      and you can register for a scroll. You have to be logged in to your scroll to pick up eggs. I’m assumming you are going to http://dragcave.ath.cx/ in the first place


      I was going to the cave entrance, but prior to a few moments ago, I couldn’t *get* a scroll. I just registered with a different user name/password (and am wondering why it didn’t do this the last 3 million times I tried….) and got to the page with the scroll info on it. So now I’ll have to wait until there are more eggs.
      Thanks to those who answered!!


      I’m really happy you got it 😀 Every hour on the hour you can get eggs. Don’t forget to read ALL the pinned topics 😆

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