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  • #673551

    Don’t forget to PM your egg signature codes to DragonMaster so he can put them on the front page of the Hatchery. That keeps it simple for everyone to get clicks and not be missed. Remembers DO NOT post eggs in discussions on the hatchery, just in your signature. πŸ˜†


    Just clicked all the eggs on the other page and i found an abandoned egg! Please click mine! πŸ˜€
    rock egg

    green egg

    purple egg

    little egg

    pink hatchling


      My eggs…


      I just became a mama! And I have twins too! Could you guys please click on my 4 newly hatched dragon eggs so they may grow up nice and strong?

      DM- if you read this, can you add me to the front page if this thread works like the nursery? Thank you for helping them get life!

      Please click the FOUR of us and let us grow up nice, big and strong to protect mama and those she loves like you guys! We thank you!


      PhoenixTears wrote:

      I just became a mama! And I have twins too! Could you guys please click on my 4 newly hatched dragon eggs so they may grow up nice and strong?

      DM- if you read this, can you add me to the front page if this thread works like the nursery? Thank you for helping them get life!

      Please click the FOUR of us and let us grow up nice, big and strong to protect mama and those she loves like you guys! We thank you!

      Hey, Congrats ! And twins! I always wanted twins, lol.
      I make sure to click yours everyday. I use two or three different computers so I can be counted two or three times πŸ˜†
      Now off to do more clicking πŸ˜€

      *Ocean FyrePaperRedSilverorange


        Well since we have so many now I figured I would move them all over here
        DM’s eggs and hatchers!!


















        I’m geting a littel worried mine have not started to mature yet and I’m gone for 4 days next week


          keschete wrote:

          Well forget Gaia…they fixed it when you post a link it just takes you to a gif of the egg. We need to find some place else until it is fixed.

          UGHHHH!! Sorry guys!

          DM can you get everyone’s user site like mine is


          And I can post those links…


          My Eggs

          I’m not sure what you need??


            khat7 wrote:

            Don’t forget to PM your egg signature codes to DragonMaster so he can put them on the front page of the Hatchery. That keeps it simple for everyone to get clicks and not be missed. Remembers DO NOT post eggs in discussions on the hatchery, just in your signature. πŸ˜†

            Thanks some are forgetting and slip thru. I jsut thought it would keep the hatchery clean if we did not have all the adult draons hanging around


            Dragon Master wrote:

            khat7 wrote:

            Don’t forget to PM your egg signature codes to DragonMaster so he can put them on the front page of the Hatchery. That keeps it simple for everyone to get clicks and not be missed. Remembers DO NOT post eggs in discussions on the hatchery, just in your signature. πŸ˜†

            Thanks some are forgetting and slip thru. I jsut thought it would keep the hatchery clean if we did not have all the adult draons hanging around

            You can remove my 2nd silver. It has been abandoned. I was hoping to make room for a gold or two headed πŸ™„
            I will be faithfully clicking yours while your away. Hope you have a great time while your gone. Whatever will we do without our babies Godfather for two weeks!:lol:


              Whee my new white hatchling has gotten his wings. And my pink egg hatched. Hooray for Gwiber and Gwena! I like only trying to take care of two dragons at once.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Whee my new white hatchling has gotten his wings. And my pink egg hatched. Hooray for Gwiber and Gwena! I like only trying to take care of two dragons at once.

              Hehe..I like the names!


                Thanks I had a hard time finding one for the pink that wasn’t taken. I forgot I had given the white a “Gw” name until I refreshed my scroll and saw the pink’s name right under it.


                Thanks Khat! I use a couple computers and click every single egg/dragon I see several times a day. I just cracked Barrdwing’s blue egg πŸ˜€

                I already know what the name of the white one will be for I said in Boskydragons new horse thread, that Id name it after her late horse T (I know the full name), as a memorial. One of my green ones Im naming Absinthe.

                I see some with many more eggs (and more) than just the 4 I have but the site wont allow me to take on more than 4. Each time I try, it says I dont want to over whelm myself πŸ™„

                I want COLOR! I have twin greens yes, but I want more vibrance like purple or pink… something bright.


                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  Thanks Khat! I use a couple computers and click every single egg/dragon I see several times a day. I just cracked Barrdwing’s blue egg πŸ˜€

                  I already know what the name of the white one will be for I said in Boskydragons new horse thread, that Id name it after her late horse T (I know the full name), as a memorial. One of my green ones Im naming Absinthe.

                  I see some with many more eggs (and more) than just the 4 I have but the site wont allow me to take on more than 4. Each time I try, it says I dont want to over whelm myself πŸ™„

                  I want COLOR! I have twin greens yes, but I want more vibrance like purple or pink… something bright.

                  GMTA….I named my first green dragon Absinthe. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


                    Once these have grown up you can get more.
                    I’m not gettting anymore until I get back from vacation. I will up date the hatchery when I get home I HOPE I will have a TON of dragons to move over!!

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