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  • #673536

    Yay! just stole a little egg!
    Pink egg!

    Purple egg!

    please click! 😀


    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Can someone briefly explain how this all works? I always click on people’s eggs and see how it says they’ll die if they don’t grow up in x amount of days and then when I click ‘get your own’ there aren’t any. There was one a few minutes ago but then I registered and it was gone but it asked me if I wanted a scroll…?

    Check Here


    Got another new egg 😀 please help him hatch!
    pink egg

    little egg

    Purple egg!


    I’m afraid my eggs won’t make it. They haven’t even started to crack yet.


    Well forget Gaia…they fixed it when you post a link it just takes you to a gif of the egg. We need to find some place else until it is fixed.

    UGHHHH!! Sorry guys!

    DM can you get everyone’s user site like mine is


    And I can post those links…


    My Eggs


    Tintaglia wrote:

    I’m afraid my eggs won’t make it. They haven’t even started to crack yet.

    I just put a crack in your pink one by clicking on it. Hope that helps! 😀


    THanks a bunch! 🙂


      here is two new eggs from me. my last ones all died 🙁


      Eggy pegs! These are my first ever… I so want them to live!


      I don’t want my own eggs, I just enjoy clicking everyone else’s! 😀 Cryptarch and KoishiiKitty, your eggs have been clicked by me!


      thanks ^_^ I appreciate it, as do the draklings I’m sure. ^_^


        The tiny URL doesn’t seem to work on these forums, so you might want to repost.

        *clicks eggs*

        The little guys below need some love too. Only one day left D:


        aye… but three won’t fit… I will have to limit myself to two at a time.
        I clicked your eggs. look! a crack!


          edited to remove adult dragons


            I clicked a bunch of them!!! 😀

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