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      My original concept was to jsut go in click all at once and be done with it so I hope that helps.



        How can you all keep so many eggs at once? Guess I just don’t post enough 😆


        Arya wrote:

        How can you all keep so many eggs at once? Guess I just don’t post enough 😆

        You are allowed up to four eggs or four hatchlings at a time. Five if they are breeding. If one hatches you can usually get another egg. 🙂

        Orchid Fyre *Fyre Lily*SilverFyre *EmeraldFyre*Bred Pink*Grass*bred red


          I wondered too I now have two breed eggs and 3 that I stole. I don’t even look at the site anymore. I just got some hatchlings so not I need to name them



            khat7 wrote:

            Arya wrote:

            How can you all keep so many eggs at once? Guess I just don’t post enough 😆

            You are allowed up to four eggs or four hatchlings at a time. Five if they are breeding. If one hatches you can usually get another egg. 🙂

            Orchid Fyre *Fyre Lily*SilverFyre *EmeraldFyre*Bred Pink*Grass*bred red
            How do you have 7 if you are only allowed 5?? Do you have 2 accounts?



              Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my newest hatchers!!

              Hot Shot son of Hot Stuff and Pink Tuscadero

              Black Silk

              And Mr Green Jeans

              Anyone knwo where I got the Mr. Green Jeans name from??



              Dragon Master wrote:

              Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my newest hatchers!!

              Hot Shot son of Hot Stuff and Pink Tuscadero

              Black Silk

              And Mr Green Jeans

              Anyone knwo where I got the Mr. Green Jeans name from??


              I do 😆 but I’m not saying in case someone else wants to guess 😉 Just that it involves a captain a bunny and falling ping pog balls. 😆 😆
              OK so that might give it away.
              DM are you my age (49) or did you just grow up with loys of reruns 😀


              Dragon Master wrote:

              khat7 wrote:

              Arya wrote:

              How can you all keep so many eggs at once? Guess I just don’t post enough 😆

              You are allowed up to four eggs or four hatchlings at a time. Five if they are breeding. If one hatches you can usually get another egg. 🙂

              Orchid Fyre *Fyre Lily*SilverFyre *EmeraldFyre*Bred Pink*Grass*bred red
              How do you have 7 if you are only allowed 5?? Do you have 2 accounts?


              Four hatchlings two from my females and one stolen. Itlooks like if I have three or less of either hatchlings or eggs I can pick up an egg. I’m really not sure. I get on to look for a golden (or I just get bored) and …click…egg! 😆 I always wanted at least 6 or 7 kids 😛


                khat7 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my newest hatchers!!

                Hot Shot son of Hot Stuff and Pink Tuscadero

                Black Silk

                And Mr Green Jeans

                Anyone knwo where I got the Mr. Green Jeans name from??


                I do 😆 but I’m not saying in case someone else wants to guess 😉 Just that it involves a captain a bunny and falling ping pog balls. 😆 😆
                OK so that might give it away.
                DM are you my age (49) or did you just grow up with loys of reruns 😀
                I’m 41 I’ll be 42 in July. I’m sure I was watching reruns when I was a kid. I’m not sure how long KK ran the first time out
                I screwed up in the first post Hot Shot is a red dragon not a green one. I think there was a drawing board too wasn’t there? I don’t remember the Ping Pong balls though??



                Dragon Master wrote:

                khat7 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my newest hatchers!!

                Hot Shot son of Hot Stuff and Pink Tuscadero

                Black Silk

                And Mr Green Jeans

                Anyone knwo where I got the Mr. Green Jeans name from??


                I do 😆 but I’m not saying in case someone else wants to guess 😉 Just that it involves a captain a bunny and falling ping pog balls. 😆 😆
                OK so that might give it away.
                DM are you my age (49) or did you just grow up with loys of reruns 😀
                I’m 41 I’ll be 42 in July. I’m sure I was watching reruns when I was a kid. I’m not sure how long KK ran the first time out
                I screwed up in the first post Hot Shot is a red dragon not a green one. I think there was a drawing board too wasn’t there? I don’t remember the Ping Pong balls though??


                Bunny used to get The Captian out somewhere talking and trick him into saying something that would cause ping pong balls to come falling down on his head.


                  In an attempt to get my hatchers and eggs healthy I removed them from this post. I hope they will survive


                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  In an attempt to get my hatchers and eggs healthy I removed them from this post. I hope they will survive

                  To many clicks? If so do you need to take them off Gaia too?


                    khat7 wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    In an attempt to get my hatchers and eggs healthy I removed them from this post. I hope they will survive

                    To many clicks? If so do you need to take them off Gaia too?

                    I think they need unique views. I think they are getting to many of the same on here. I’ll leave them there for now and see what happens. It may be too late for them since they hatched this way??
                    I can’t get in the dragon site right now to check them either it keeps telling me it can’t find the site



                    Well, I picked up another egg. (These things are kind of addictive, aren’t they?) Please click!


                      Addictive? Nah. It’s not like we’re all developing entire collections or anything… 😆

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