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  • #673356

    the dragon collector wrote:

    It reminds me of that too. 😀

    YAY Jager grew up. I love the two headed Dragon 😆


      I got a little pink one!

      Click please! 🙂


        FINALLY snagged a pink one too :O

        Current babies:


          khat7 wrote:

          travistie wrote:

          Alright! I just started a hole in your white egg! 😀

          I love when that happens 😆 😆 And I am clicking your minty now 😉

          Thanks! I hope he gets better soon.


            Hot stuff grew up thanks to all of you so I removed him from the nursery
            Thanks again



              I bred these two…..

              and got this….

              I ha hoped for something different but oh well. Now I’m gonna breed her with this guy….

              How much do you want to bet I get another female dragon?


              You can breed them!? Wow lol what do you get? Random coloured eggs?


                I don’t know the two times I have breed my dragons I got purple eggs. I don’t know how to get different colors.


                  Griffiness wrote:

                  You can breed them!? Wow lol what do you get? Random coloured eggs?

                  I think you have a 50/50 chance of getting either adult color. If you bred a purple and a green, you could get either a purple egg or a green one.


                  Stephanie wrote:

                  Griffiness wrote:

                  You can breed them!? Wow lol what do you get? Random coloured eggs?

                  I think you have a 50/50 chance of getting either adult color. If you bred a purple and a green, you could get either a purple egg or a green one.

                  I wish we could get different types of eggs when we breed them.


                    Griffiness wrote:

                    You can breed them!? Wow lol what do you get? Random coloured eggs?

                    I already asked that you will only get an eggs that matches one of the parents. I have also been told you can only breed them when the female is “in the mood” and she can reufse the male you choose for her. I’m going to try when I get a full grown female



                    my eggs need serious help!
                    some of them have less than a day left and they havent started cracking yet! Please help them!

                    my hatchling needs some help too!

                    thanks for clicking!!! 😀


                    lol-I didn’t know your egg was going to be the color of one of the parents! I love the purple dragons, they’re so pretty! I’m hoping my pink hatchling will like one of my males when she grows up-lol


                      HELP!!! Please click my babies! They will die in less than .9 days if they dont grow up!

                      I bred my two adult dragons and got this! 🙂

                      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!


                      hehe! I cracked your grey egg further KMD ^^ yay

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