Dragon hatching question

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        Did Melody ever make a hatching dragon of any kind with the dragons head out and front claws with its tounge out??? There is one on ebay… I have not ever seen one before but since I have been out of the loop for so long I don’t know… ?

        I hope that I am not stepping outta line here by posting the link but I have not ever seen one like this… I looked at astralcastle.com and didn’t find anything like it…


        Did she make anything like this??????? 😕


        That’s the Gargolingus. Official Windstone Editions. I still need one of those buggers. I keep getting outbid on the ones I bid on.


          Wow… I have NEVER seen one before! Thanks for letting me know what it is! 🙂


          You’re welcome. 😉


            I had to double check mine, I didn’t think his tongue stuck out that far but yep, it does. 🙂


            There are two versions of the Garolingus and they go with the Egg with Eyes and the Egg with Claws.

            Here are my two…one is a white egg and one is a grey/stone colored egg.

            Sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy but you get the idea.


              Very neat… Its nice to see other angles of it.

              Learn something new everyday!!! Thanks for the pictures!!!


              I have one of almost everything…so if you need pictures of anything let me know. 🙂 I counted and I am up to 140 Windstones 🙂

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